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Papers On Selected Comparative Politics
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The Gulf War and International Humanitarian Law
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This 5 page paper examines the role of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) during the Gulf War, the paper considers the requirements of IHL, the issues it raised during this conflict, the way in which it was violated by both sided and the lessons for the future. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEgulfwr.rtf
The Impact of Globalisation
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This 6 page paper considers the impact that globalisation is having on developing nations. The paper examines the advantages, such as increased wealth and job creation, as well as the disadvantages such as exploitation and increased volatility within the national economies. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEimpglob.rtf
The Impact of Globalization on Sovereignty of the Nation State
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This 12 page paper considers how the growing influence of globalization may impact on individual nations sovereignty. The writer argues that the globalisation may support sovereignty, whilst undermining it and eroding it at the same time. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEsovglo1.rtf
The Impacts of Taxation on the Democratic Rights of the Citizenry
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of the impacts of taxation on the democratic rights of the citizenry of the country. This paper presents a study of democracies and the use of taxation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHTaxDem.rtf
The Indian Government and Actions Against Child Labor
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This is a 6 page paper discussing the Indian Government’s actions against child labor and other issues in relation to international pressure and trade. Within the last decade, international pressure has been placed upon developing countries to eliminate child labor. Depending upon the source, it has been reported that there are between 11 and 60 million children being exploited as underpaid labor in India. India, in response to international demand, has begun the “world’s largest child labor elimination program” which includes national and international funding, organizational development and educational programs in order to eliminate child labor and rehabilitate those children taken out of exploitative situations. While the steps taken by the Indian Government are positive in regards to the elimination of child labor, controversy still exists in regards to India, as a developing country, remaining competitive within the international market place which is considerably easier when child labor wages are in place over adult wages. Tutorial language is inserted throughout the text in square brackets for instructional purposes.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJIngov1.rtf
The Influence of Globalisation International Relations
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This 3 page paper considers what we know about globalisation in relation to international relations. The paper considers the approaches to international relations and how globalisation has changed the way that this takes place. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEgloinr.rtf
The Influence of John Locke on Modern British Politics
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This 20 page paper considers the influence of John Locke on British politics. The paper begins with a brief biography in order to ascertain his opportunity to influence society of the time. The writer then considers the general influence of his ideas such as the social contract within modern British politics. The final part of the paper then examines the ideas of Locke in terms of the current situation of asylum seekers. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Filename: TElockpl.wps
The Internet's Effect on Politics
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(5 pp). During the last presidential election, you could almost think that the internet 'e' in email stood for election. However that is only the surface of the picture, this discussion will look at the myriad of ways that the internet has effected politics in the United States, particularly in the last presidential election.
Bibliography lists 8 sources
Filename: BBintrpol.rtf
The Issue of Labeling Genetically Engineered Foods in Canada
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This is an 11 page paper discussing the issue of labeling genetically engineered foods in Canada. Currently within Canada recent consumer polls have indicated that over 95% of Canadians want genetically engineered (GE) or genetically modified (GM) foods labeled as such. While this may appear to be a straight forward issue simply resolved with mandatory legislation, within Canada there are still no laws requiring labeling of genetically engineered food. Currently, businesses, the government and consumers seem to be at an impasse in regards to voluntary labeling which was introduced in 1999 and the possibility of mandatory labeling currently enforced in over 35 countries worldwide. While mandatory labeling should be introduced in Canada, consumers should also be aware that in order to do so, the federal government will have to implement a complex and costly monitoring process in order to enforce the legislation properly. In addition, because of cross pollination which has already occurred between genetically engineered crops and organic crops, most legislators feel that most labels would have to include the phrase “may contain genetically engineered material” which would not provide the consumer with any more information than he or she has now. While labeling should be considered because of consumer demand, consumers must also realize the impact this may have on Canada within the international market, as Canada now is the world’s third largest producer of genetically engineered crops and its major trading partner, the United States, has no current labeling restrictions. Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) are responsible for current labeling policies which focus mainly on health and safety concerns in a product and the mandatory exclusion of non-factual information on a product label. Should GE labeling be required in Canada, it should not deter consumers from the health and safety concerns. Lastly, because genetically engineered foods have been deemed as safe, that is why they are now not required to be labeled. This is also controversial as some advocate that since GE foods have only been in use for 10 years, this is not enough time to evaluate long term impact on consumer health and the environment.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJCangn1.rtf
The Manipulation of Eastern European Countries by Western Organisations
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This 9 page paper considers how the Western organisations, such as the European Union have used their power to manipulate social, legal and economic change instates that wish to join them, and how this conditionality may be seen as both necessary and hypocritical. The paper focuses on the EU. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEmaneue.rtf
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