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Papers On Selected Comparative Politics
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The Failure of the Turkish Banking System and its' Effect on the Turkish Economy
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This 20 page paper looks at the failure in the Turkish economy, and how it may be equated with the failure to regulate the banking system. The paper looks at the background of the economy, and how the problems occurred. The paper then looks at the way in which the banking system can be seen as a key point in these failures and the role it should play, before looking to the future and considering the changes are needed in order to prevent this cycle reoccurring again. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEturkbn.wps
The Falklands (Malvinas) War; The Perspective of Argentina
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This 5 page paper consider the way in which this conflict was conducted in the media, and how the Argentine perspective was represented in the Argentinean press. The biblograophy cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEfalkwr.rtf
The Female Prime Ministers of New Zealand
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This 10page paper looks at Helen Clark and Jennifer Shipley of New Zealand, the current and former Prime Ministers. The paper considers how gender has played an issue in gaining and retaining leadership as well as the other influences that have been evidenced on their political careers. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEnewzle.wps
The Future of the British Monarchy
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(6 pp) It is always easier to stand outside of any
system, and look at it, and make comments. We as
Americans tend to do it at the drop of the
proverbial hat; Britain itself is now looking at
its own monarchy more stringently in the past.
And in the somewhat more satirical tone of British
newspapers, reflecting on what should be done if
anything. We shall look at some of those thoughts
and suggestions in this discussion. Bibliography
lists 9 sources.
Filename: BBkingUK.doc
The G8 Summit in Genoa, July 2001
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This 8 page paper explains the outcomes of the G8 summit that was hosted in Italy, including the aid for poor countries, environmental issues and international policies. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEG8sumt.wps
The German Political Party and the Christian Democratic Union
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A 10 page paper
which discusses various aspects of the relationship between the German political party and
the Christian Democratic Union. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: RAgermchr.wps
The German Prison System.
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(5 pp) Incarceration of citizens has grown
throughout the world, so that now, there are
different types of principle-based systems that a
country can choose to contain its felons. What we
will do, in this discussion, is examine two
different principles in the corrections system,
one in Germany and the type generally used
throughout the United States. The physical
structures may appear similar, but what we will
look at is the ideas behind each. Bibliography
lists 6 sources.
Filename: BBgrprsR.doc
The Godfather: Cinema and History
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A 6-page paper on the film The Godfather and its social, political, economic and cultural relationship and commentary on trends at the time it was made, both explicit and implicit. Included are it s depictions of class, race and gender. Lists 3 sources.
Filename: khgodfa.wps
The Government's Economic Role.
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(10 pp) How can Government's proper role in the
economy be defined? Is there any reference point
other than historical contingency or the wishes of
politicians? In addition to providing enabling
conditions for the economy, such as a proper legal
system to support property rights, a monetary
system, and security, government can also be a
regulator of business, a director of business in
the sense of setting policies or subsidies that
will favor certain sectors over others, and
through Government-owned enterprises even a
participant in business. Is there a way to tell
when to draw the line for government?
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBgveconR.doc
The Growth of the European Union
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This 5 page paper considers how the EU may grow and develop in the future with new members joining, The writer also considers some of the potential problems of this enlargement and the possible need for change. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEsizeeu.rtf
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