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Papers On World Affairs
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The Rise of Arab Nationalism and the Balfour Declaration
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An 8 page essay tracing the evolution of two of the Arab states, Syria and Iraq, from the period just before World War I through the end of World War II when Syria finally regained full independence from France, the Allied nation appointed by the League of Nations to oversee and assist the developing countries of the mideast in recovering from the First World War. France's rule of Syria was oppressive, and did more to bolster the Syrians' commitment to Arab nationalism than to win them over the France's influence. Though Britain returned rule and full independence to the Arab states of Transjordan and Iraq as quickly as possible, only the prodding of the other Allied forces of World War II and the fall of France convinced France to withdraw from Syria. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Arabnat.wps
The Myth & Reality of Arab Nationalism
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A 27 page paper that provides an overview of the basic myths and misconceptions regarding Arab nationalism and considers these in comparison to the realities. This paper focus on the social, religious, and economic issues that have actually divided the Arab nations. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Arabnats.wps
The Negative Use of Propaganda By Hitler And Others
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A 7 page paper in which the writer discusses the negative uses of political propaganda throughout 20th century history. A sizable portion of this discussion focuses upon propaganda used on the Austrians during German occupation, Hitler's propaganda-based manipulation of his own country in Nazi Germany, the 1990's-era Bosnian/Chechen conflicts, etc; Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Propagan.wps
The Balkans: History and Current Situation
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A 5 page overview of the historic and current strife in the Balkans. Discusses the necessity of U.S. involvement in the region. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPbalkan.wps
(The) International Conference on Global Harmonization
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23 pages in length. An in-depth look at issues arising from the conference, the implementation of its proposals, and so forth. Conference was a major event dealing with requirements and standards of drug regulatory bodies in three specific regions. The specific focus of this paper is the effect that the Conference and its subject matter will have upon the pharmaceutical industry. Bibliography lists approximately 20 comprehensive sources.
Filename: Pharmcon.wps
America's Tobacco Settlement and the Third World
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An 8 page discussion of the effects of the tobacco settlement on third world countries, specifically women and children. The paper discusses the economics of the decision not to include global provisions, and how world organizations and governments are dealing with the issue. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Glosmoke.wps
An Overview Of Biological Warfare / Descriptions Of Anthrax & Ebola
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A 7 page discussion of biological warfare and an overview of ebola and anthrax (mad cow disease), two bacteria commonly used in biological warfare. Bibliography lists ten sources.
Filename: Biowar.wps
An Unbalance Balance of Power - The Failure of the League of Nations
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A 6 page paper that argues that the League of Nations ultimately failed due to its lack of membership from the major world powers, its lack of unity in purpose, its lack of organization, and its lack of commitment to cause. Each of these weaknesses is discussed as well as the damage each inflicted on the believability and support of the coalition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: LCLeague.doc
Boutros Boutros-Ghali's 'An Agenda for Peace'
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An 8 page paper discussing the former United Nations' Secretary, Boutrous Boutrous Ghali's Agenda for Peace. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Ghali.wps
Dependency Theory -- Applied To The Third World
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A 6 page paper discussing dependency theory and its application to third-world countries as well as the consequences of allowing it to become a tool for imposing one nation's will upon another. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Dpncy.wps
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