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Papers On World Affairs
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Iraq / Problems & Solution
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A 10 page research essay on the human rights problem in Iraq since the Gulf War. The writer reviews US sentiment regarding war and sanctions, the US-led sanction policies held against Iraq, and describes why sanctions alone are not successful. The writer posits that the UN should adopt a policy similar to that used in Bosnia to treat the Iraqi situation. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Cnsanctn.wps
NATO / Hope of a Nation (U.S.)
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A 20 page argumentative in support of ongoing and continuous U.S. involvement in NATO. The writer explores the concepts of national and international security, the globalization of American jobs, and costs to taxpayers. Showing a need for separation between NATO and the EU, the writer gives attention to both sides of the argument for NATO involvement, arguing for NATO and against a European Union (EU) military arm. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: Cnnatoeu.wps
The European Union
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A 12 page paper describing the European Union. Details are given on the history of Europe and the desire for a form of unity. Separate countries are given some mention for the purpose of examining more closely the individuals and their situations as they relate to the Union. A section on the developing of one set monetary unit is included in the effort to show that this is perhaps the most essential element in the attempt of the European Union to become more competitive and successful in the world marketplace. A references page with 8 sources follows.
Filename: EUnion.wps
The European Union / A Realistic Examination
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7 page discussion & analysis of the European Union, its formation, feasibility, economic vitality, relations, etc; Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Europuni.wps
Toward a More Perfect (European) Union
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A 10 page research analysis on the European Union; specifically which factors influence a country to join or decide not to join the Union. Included are the history of the union, its political and economic attributes, and which factors have been hailed and which have caused problems for countries before and after joining the organization. Bibliography cites eight sources.
Filename: 90euro.rtf
The Iran - Iraq War / Iran's Acceptance of U.N. Terms for Peace
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A 6 page paper discussing the Iran-Iraq war and the United Nations proposed terms for peace in 1987. Iran did not agree to the terms for several years. The reason Iran finally did accept the U.N. terms are outlined in this report. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Peaceacc.wps
Comparative Politics / Mexico vs. Iraq
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The world is in a state of flux. Economies as diverse as Japan and Russia are in the middle of political and economic crisis and globalization has either made productivity soar or has been the death toll for different countries. This 6 page paper compares the current status of the economic, political and social development of Mexico and Iraq. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Mexicraq.wps
Nuclear Proliferation & The Importance of U.S. Policy
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16 pages in length. A detailed look at U.S. policy towards nuclear proliferation and how that policy has changed over the years. Emphasized is the fact that we must actually be more cautious now than ever before in the post-Cold War years. Current political issues, supply concerns, fear of nuclear asymmetry, etc; are examined. Proposals for multilateral arms control are assessed and recommendations for preventing the proliferation of nuclear arms in countries such as Iraq are presented. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Nukeprol.wps
The Conflict in Iraq
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This 5 page paper focuses on the tense situation in Iraq. Several views are discussed and implications for future action are expressed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Iraqcon.wps
Yugoslavia / Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbs, and Region
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A 20 page research paper that explores possible solutions to the Yugoslav debacle. The writer explores the historical roots of the conflict and prescriptions for change in the region. The writer recommends and supports maintaining autonomous states - which goes against current thinking by NATO and the European community. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: Cnyugowr.wps
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