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Papers On Homosexuality
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Family Theory Applied to a Fictional Family Unit
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A 26 page paper dissecting the family depicted in the movie “The Birdcage” for the purpose of assessing according to family and nursing theory. The paper briefly describes the film and applicability of nursing theory and intervention both to individual family members and to the family unit as a whole. The largest section of the paper evaluates the family in terms of Friedemann’s Family Assessment (long form). The paper concludes that even though the family depicted (a middle-aged gay couple and a grown heterosexual son) carries a nontraditional appearance, it is nonetheless highly traditional in terms of values and commitment to other family members. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: KSnursGayFam.rtf
Faulty Arguments Used by Opponents of Same-Sex Marriages
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This is a 4 page paper outlining faulty arguments used by opponents of same-sex marriages. Arguments used by opponents of same-sex marriages are often faulty in that they appeal to prejudice, pity, and traditional marriage while at the same time attack the character of their opponents, present false dilemmas and beg to question the issue in order to draw the attention away from some of the real issues being argued. Because of this many of their arguments are based on the faulty use of evidence or incorrect inferences.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJfargu1.rtf
Freud & Development
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A 5 page discussion of Freud's five stages of psychosexual development. One table is included outlining the phases and ages for each. Discussion also includes recent controversy about the existence of the Oedipal complex. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Freudev.wps
Freud / Infantilism, Homosexuality, & Bisexuality
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This 10 page essay discusses specific thoughts of Freud, such as how one comes to be stuck in an infantile mind set, and the essays/books in which they appeared. Two of the works mentioned are Civilization and its Discontents and Freud's account of Dora. The essay also mentions Freud's thoughts on happiness, homosexuality and bisexuality, on which he had lifelong strong convictions. Despite his detractors, Freud opened the world's eyes to aspects of human development theretofore unknown. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Infreud.wps
Gay & Lesbian Families
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A 25 page research paper that considers the issues relative to gay and lesbian families and correlates the current literature to research findings with gay and lesbian couples to demonstrate the issues of marriage and family. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: Gayfam.wps
Gay & Lesbian Marriage
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A 9 page research paper that examines the debate concerning same-sex marriage. This examination of the literature on this topic, first of all, looks into the recent history of the debate and the issues that it addresses. Then, arguments favoring the rights of gays and lesbians to marry are explored. This is followed by a look at the rationale that opposes this stance and these arguments are refuted. The last section looks at where the debate stands now before offering conclusions. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: khglwed.rtf
Gay and Lesbian Adoption
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This 5 page report briefly discusses
some of the issues and problems associated with gay and lesbian
adoptions. There are significant misunderstandings in the issue,
misunderstandings that have an impact on gay and lesbian
(biological and adoptive) parents and their children. There are
also legal issues associated with the fact that gay adoption is
not covered by statue in most states. Bibliography lists 5
Filename: BWgadopt.wps
Gay And Lesbian Marriages: Should They Be Allowed To Be Married In The Independently Same Way As Heterosexuals?
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6 pages in length. Perhaps no other issue in contemporary society strikes a chord of disharmony more than the current debate over gay and lesbian marriages. When one considers the volatile nature of this particular social concern, it is important to understand why such conflict exists and if any common denominators reside between opposition and supporters. In short, the crux of the dispute questions the sanctity of traditional marriage as defined between a man and a woman. Furthermore, the issue of children brought up in such an unconventional family setting has raised great concerns over whether or not such an environment is emotionally stable and or healthy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCGayMarrg.rtf
Gay and Lesbian Marriages; Should They Be Legalized?
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This 11 page paper considers the arguments for an against the legalization of gay and lesbian marriages, looking at the different perceived advantages and disadvantages as well as s=issues such as discrimination and the purpose of marriage. The arguments are placed in a legal context, looking at the position under UK law, but making international comparisons, especially with the United States. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEgaymarriage.rtf
Gay And Lesbian Relationships
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12 pages in length. The writer discusses two stories that deal with gay and lesbian relationships. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLClesgy.rtf
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