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Papers On Homosexuality
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Nursing & AIDS
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5 pages detailing issues concerning nursing and AIDS patients. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Aidsnurs.wps
Pediatric AIDS
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A 17 page paper on the diagnosis, treatment and other factors surrounding pediatric AIDS. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: Pedaids2.wps
Socialized Medicine & AIDS
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In this 5 page paper the author discusses whether the government and general public should be financially responsible for the health status of those with AIDS? That is the debate surrounding the concept of socialized medicine to help AIDS patients obtain the cost-prohibitive drugs they need to live. The writer looks at the debate from the conservative angle, arguing that people who make poor decisions that ultimately affect their health and welfare should be solely responsible for the consequences. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Aidsmed.wps
Society's Alienation of the AIDS Victim
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A 10 page paper dealing with society's treatment of AIDS victims. Discusses the negativity surrounding this issue as well as positive programs such as summer camps for youths with HIV/AIDS. Other subtopics explored are the 'handling' of children whose parents are dying from this dreaded disease.
Filename: Aidssoci.wps
"Invisibility" and Homosexuality
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A 5 page discussion of the phenomenon of becoming "invisible" as a means of dealing with societal prejudice. Examines the choice of some homosexuals to keep their homosexuality restrained. Concludes that invisibility only causes tremendous ambivalence and distress, and reiterates the contentions of the film "Torchsong Trilogy" that self-hatred is the greatest enemy of the gay world. Invisibility is as much victimization as is a hate crime which targets homosexuals. It is, however, a victimization in which the victim is also the perpetrator. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPinvisi.wps
"Organizing And Activating Effects Of Sex Hormones In Homosexual Transsexuals": Summary & Critique
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2 pages in length. Understanding the propensity towards transsexuality has perplexed the medical community for decades. Not only is this particular population subcategorized by many different variables, but any definitive findings about why this behavior exists has eluded psychological and physiological research time and time again. Authors van Goozen et al (2002) attempt to piece together a logical progression of events that may occur while the fetus is still within the embryo as a means by which to correlate reasons behind homosexual transsexualism through hormone treatment. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCHmsxlS.rtf
"The Laramie Project" And "Indian Killer" – Hatred
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3 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses racial discord and homosexual intolerance as they relate to hatred in "The Laramie Project" and "Indian Killer." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCLaramie.rtf
'New Republic' Article Review / Rauch's 'For Better Or Worse'
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A 5 page paper that provides an overview of premises in a New Republic article suggesting the Christian arguments against Rauch's perspective. Rauch essentially provides arguments in regards to marriage and the efficacy of both homosexual and heterosexual unions. Bibliography lists no additional sources.
Filename: Better.wps
'The Birdcage' As A Study in Gender Issues
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A 25 page research paper on the movie the Birdcage and its view of homosexual males and their gender roles in cinema and real life. The writer details the basic plot, each of the characters, and how they mesh with real life issues. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Birdcage.wps
(The) Spread of A.I.D.S. in Society
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5 pages that present a comparative review of four articles that discuss groups (i.e. women, homosexuals etc;) associated with the spread of AIDS from a sociological perspective. Four articles are cited in bibliography.
Filename: Aidsarti.wps
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