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Papers On Homosexuality
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Argument for Same Sex Marriages
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A 4 page paper which argues for the legalization of same sex marriages. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: RAsmsex.rtf
Arguments Against Same Sex Union Ceremonies in the United Methodist Church
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This 6 page report discusses the issues related to same sex “marriages” in the context of the United Methodist Church and offers both biblical reference and Methodist doctrine to support its point of view in which prohibitions against same-sex unions and gay ordination are upheld. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWssex.rtf
Behavioral Science: Darwin and Thorndike
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A 9 page overview of the behavioral science theories of Charles Darwin and Edward Lee Thorndike. Stresses the contrasts in these theories and compares them to modern
findings in the phenomena of homosexuality. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPDarTho.wps
Biological Evidence Regarding Homosexuality and a Personal
Experience Regarding Racism
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This 6 page report discusses two
specific topics in essay form. First is the review of issues
brought up in a 1994 article titled “The Biological Evidence
Challenged” that deals with the question and related debate
regarding whether or not homosexuality is biologically
determined. The second essay is written to tell the early
personal experience of racism and the ways in which it was
interpreted. Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: BWbiocha.wps
Bisexuality / The Social and Psychological Aspects
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A 9 page paper outlining bisexuality. Provides a definition of bisexuality and both a historical and contemporary overview of the phenomena. Discusses studies which point to homosexulity and bisexuality as being a normal and acceptable part of human behavior from a biological and historic standpoint. Bibliography lists seven sources.
Filename: Bisex.wps
Bodies in Motion: Transformations in Social, Political, and Cultural Landscapes Defining the American Dream
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A 5 page discussion of cultural and behavioral differences which are targeted by bias and prejudice. Typically these prejudices target racial and ethnic differences as well as sexual preference such as homosexuality. Examines the works of five authors: William Foote Whyte's "Street Corner Society", Piri Thomas' autobiographical novel "Down These Mean Streets", Anne Fadiman's ethnography "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down", director Nigel Finch's film "Stonewall", and "Michael Downing's novel "Breakfast With Scot" to conclude that each provides a unique picture of the transformation of the heart and mind as well as the transformation of the social, cultural, and political landscapes that define in their totality what is meant by the American Dream. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPbodies.wps
Book Review / 'New Joy Of Gay Sex'
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A 4 page review and critique of The New Joy of Gay Sex including a discussion of topics covered and warnings given regarding AIDS. Touted as a guide for adolescents the reviewer questions the motives of the authors.
Filename: Newjoy.wps
Book Review / Being 'Homosexual'
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This well-known Richard Isay book is reviewed and critiqued in a 4 page essay. Isay offers information based on his 20 years of work as a psychologist and covers topics important for the adolescent who believes he may be gay as well as the man living a homosexual life. This writer questions one of his basic tenets, but overall believes this is a worthwhile book.
Filename: Beinggay.wps
Britain's Homosexual Consent Policy
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5 pages in length. A recent change in British law
determined that the age of consent for homosexuals would be reduced from eighteen to sixteen, at which point – according to the European Commission of Human Rights – and individual's sexual orientation is undeniably established. The writer discusses the implications of such a law. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCbritn.wps
Bruce Bawer's 'A Place at the Table'
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A 5 page paper discussing the book by Bruce Bawer of the same name. This book offers new insight into the 'gay' man as Bawer is an incredibly 'normal' man aside from his homosexual nature. His book requests, rather than pleads in regards to acceptance for homosexuals. Bawer is a conservative and a Christian as well and offers the reader tremendously insightful illustrations of the stigma and stereo-types that haunt the homosexuals of today.
Filename: Bawer.wps
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