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Papers On Journalism
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Participatory Journalism
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The debate on the ethics of this style of journalism is explored in this 7 page paper. John Reed and George Plimpton are cited as possessing such a style. Opinions from others such as Tom Brokaw and Mary Matalin are expressed. Examples of journalistic techniques are provided. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Jurnlsm.wps
Persuasive Writing - Analyzing the Argument
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A 2 page paper that examines a short argumentative paragraph concerning a protest carried out by a small number of a college's student body and presents suggestions as to how this argumentative presentation might be further clarified and evidenced. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: LCArgue.doc
Persuasive Writing - Analyzing the Issue
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A 2 page paper that examines the technique of issue analysis in persuasive writing. The issue of the commercial interests involved in popular film and television content is examined, and suggestions on the presentation and argument of this issue are exemplified. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: LCIssue.doc
Political Economy and Mass Media
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A 12 page paper discussing globalization
and the media in the local area. There have been studies of globalization's effect on local
cultures of developing nations. Now increasing attention is trained on development of local
and regional media. As more media enterprises are purchased by the multinational
corporations that maintain the greatest rate of globalization, the culture- and policy-changing
abilities of the media take on new considerations. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSmedGlobCul.wps
Politics in Journalism and Ethical Behavior
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A 6 page paper the politics of journalism in a consolidated industry. The 1990s was a decade of consolidation in all industries, a trend which did not spare journalism. Of course the best known merger was that of AOL and Time-Warner, a merger that has been plagued by infighting, lack of credibility and declining stock value for investors. Others occurred during the same period, of course, such as Disney’s acquisition of ABC. Layered acquisitions and the prospect of more to follow have created a wealth of ethical and political questions targeting the future of journalism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSjournPolEth.rtf
PR Brings Science to the Forefront
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This paper looks at the valuable relationship that has been established between science and public relations, in contrast to traditional journalism. The paper posits that PR's crisp, clean approach has already aided and will continue to be the best format for science news in the future. Bibliography lists 3 sources. jvPRnsci.rtf
Filename: jvPRnsci.rtf
Print Media Analyzed
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A 3 page paper which defines print media, explains its importance and effect on society, and its struggle to compete in an age of ‘instant' information. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Printmed.wps
Prostate Cancer Information
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An 8 page paper discussing an article appearing in The
New York Times in March 2001. The article's subject is prostate cancer, but the information
contained in it takes an approach not yet common in newspaper articles. Rather than summarize
information and make it relevant to the most basic audience group, this article includes Internet
links to a variety of pages providing information at all levels of expertise. The pages it uses are
those in which patients and practitioners alike can have the most confidence. Bibliography lists 4
Filename: KSNYTcancer.wps
Protest As A Way To Change
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An 8 page paper examining the civil rights movement of the 50's, 60's, and 70's and how protest has brought about change in our nation. Also examines the Women's Movement as a second pier protest and looks at the meaning and overall impact turbulent and peaceful protest has had on our society. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Protestc.wps
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This paper describes the role of a PR professional in an organization, and also discusses how the role has changed over the years. Also included is a "pure" defintion of public relations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTpubrel.rtf
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