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Papers On Journalism
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Liberal Bias of the Media: Truth or Fiction
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(24 pp) Liberal media bias - of course you think
to yourself - what else is new? Journalists
refute that thought - the majority of times
claiming that they have personal liberal
perspectives, but that they can separate those
from their professional writing, approach and
credulity. What if there really is minimal
"liberal media bias," what if "they" -whoever
they may be-if they exist at all-- are using a
propaganda technique of distraction, as a smoke
screen ? or research based paranoia?
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BBmediaL.doc
Magazine: Valid Source Of Information?
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6 pages in length. Information is the foundation of social existence; however, the accuracy of such information can either reinforce the benefit of knowledge or it can tear down the very fundamental basis of its existence. Clearly, the source from which any information is derived reflects one of the most important considerations when determining the usefulness and validity of subject matter. Given the fact that contemporary popular culture does not necessarily represent preciseness or truth when dispensing information, it is critically important for people to take each publication for what it is worth. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLC.magvl.rtf
Managing the Media; The Lessons of the Iraq War and the SARS Epidemic
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This 8 page paper considers the way in which public relations have been managed by the government in these stories and the lessons that they give to the commercial environment. References are made to the different models of communication and comparison made with other cases where handling was, or could have been different. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEpubrel.rtf
Mass Media & How People Think
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A 9 page research paper that examines the mass news media and its influence. The new media is enormously powerful, as it provides the main conduit through which the public learns of the state of current events. Research demonstrates that often journalism does not provide the public with sufficient background information to thoroughly understand a news event. The emphasis is on sensationalism and drama rather than on information content. Sociological, political and psychological research demonstrates both the relevancy and power of the mass media--where strengths exist, but primarily where its foibles lie. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: khmsmed.rtf
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This 10-page paper examines the impact of the media (television, radio, newspapers and magazines) on corporate America and business industries. The examples cited dealing with media influence include the rise and fall of Enron (and the media's role); how media tarnishes the reputation of the insurance industry and a case study about the importance of business honesty during a PR crisis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTmedbus.rtf
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This paper examines the concept of media bias, and provides examples from both the right and left in terms of biased reporting. Also discussed is how bias impacted news coverage of the 9-11 events. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTmedbia.rtf
Media censorship in Arab countries.
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A seven page paper which considers the nature of press censorship in Arab countries, and the extent to which increasing access to news on the Internet has affected media censorship. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JLarabmedia.rtf
Media Concentration and Democracy
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This 5 page paper argues that the concentration of media in the hands of a few giant corporations means that we are verging on losing our democracy. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVMedaCn.rtf
Media Conglomerates Use of Television News as a Means of Furthering Corporate Interest and Subsequent Monetary Benefit
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This 26 page paper provides an overview of the impacts of news bias on corporate interests and vise versa. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: MHTVNe33.rtf
Media Coverage of Presidential Elections, Debates and Campaigns throughout the Last Century Including Discussion on Bias and Influence
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This is a 12 page paper discussing media coverage of presidential elections, campaigns and debates. Throughout the last century media coverage of the Presidential elections, campaigns, issues and debates has grown from print media including newspapers and magazines to include radio, newsreels, television and internet coverage. Newspaper and radio coverage are still considered vital in reaching millions of American but despite its slow start, television coverage has become a major influence regarding public opinion. In most cases, the public are skeptical about the bias which may or may not occur from journalists but they accept this bias because they rely upon the media for their information about the candidates. In addition, television journalists argue that it is their position to provide professional commentary to try and overcome the political “spin” placed on many of the issues by candidates. Election and debate coverage as well have come under controversy as many believe the quick processing of election results provided by the media may influence voter turnout and bias in different parts of the country and media coverage of debates has been shown to change peoples’ minds about the initial impression given by the candidates during the debates. Regardless of the controversy which surrounds media coverage, most critics agree that the extensive options available to the public in regards to coverage of presidential events should allow the population to make the best democratic decisions.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TJmedpr1.rtf
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