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Papers On Journalism
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Changing Perspectives in the News
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the news headlines on four different days: February 3, 1898, January 11, 1934, March 22, 1961, and August 7, 1981. This paper integrates a view of two different issues as they are outlined in the news on these days and considers the context and changing views over time. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHNewsDa.rtf
Changing Popularity in the British Press
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This 9 page paper considers how the concept of popularity has changed within the British press by comparing 1950 to the current day.
Filename: TEnewpap.wps
Children & Junk Food/A Media Slant
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A 6 page research paper /essay that summarizes an article appearing March 29, 2007 in The Washington Times by Gregory Lopes, "Children bombarded by junk-food ads," from the standpoint of whether the article contains elements of bias and/or slant. The writer thoroughly summarizes the article's content and then offers recommendations to the student on relative to a discussion of bias. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khbiassl.rtf
CNN Embedded Reporting is Detrimental to the Citizens of Georgia
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This 6 page paper looks at the CNN organization and why their embedded reporting is difficult on residents. CNN employs many residents of Georgia so sending reporters to Iraq is stressful for the region. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA317CNN.rtf
Colonial Printing, Publishing and Benjamin Franklin’s “The Autobiography”
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A 3 page paper which examines what can be learned about the business of printing and publishing in colonial America by Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TGbfprint.rtf
Combat Journalism
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The art of journalism lies in the telling of stories
- true stories that impact the lives of many or a few, but stories,
nonetheless. This 5 page paper explores the history and character of war
reporting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KTwarrap.wps
Communication and the Communications Professional
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The role of a communications profession, whether in marketing, journalism or PR, is to communicate a set message so that it is understood b the target audience. This 3 page paper considers how professional communicators can undertake this task and why it is important they understand how the audience will receive the message. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEcomprof2.rtf
Communications in the United Arab Emirates
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This 3 page paper examines communications, with an emphasis on journalism, as it respects UAE law. Freedom of speech is examined as are women's roles. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA523UAE.rtf
Communications Professionals
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This 4 page paper explores the role of the communications professional, looking at the different tasks and factors that any communications professional will have to consider when undertaking their job. The paper considers this specifically from the perspective of a professional, such as a journalist, market or PR working in the UAE, but the theory is applicable to all processionals in all countries. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEcomprofess.rtf
Communications: source credibility
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A paper which looks at source credibility in relation to television audience, with reference to the origins of the concept in Aristotle's rhetoric and the relevance of expertise and trustworthiness. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JLsrccred.rtf
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