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Papers On (Mass) Media & Broadcasting
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Home Video: Change In Target Market
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6 pages in length. When home video first entered the marketplace, the myriad titles were geared toward a younger audience; however, the current target market also incorporates the 20- and 30-something crowds, as well, which creates an issue of safety and social conduct with regard to youth. The manner by which this augmentation has impacted the content of games is both grand and far-reaching, inasmuch as the prevalence of sex and violence has become the primary components of virtually all game titles. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCHmVid.rtf
Housing The Homeless
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The romantic notion of the 'hobo' continues as an American myth and colors the perception of what being homeless means. It is true that there are those who choose this lifestyle and prefer the life of transience and day to day living. For most, however, it is not a matter of choice but of necessity. Many of these homeless people are parents and their children. Children, in fact, make up a quarter of the homeless population. This 9 page paper explores the etiology of homelessness, the programs directed at eradicating this problem and concludes with suggestions on what can be done in the future. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KThomles.wps
How Commercial Pressures are Dumbing Down News Values
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This 6 page paper examines the American media, how it has caved to commercialism and why the public wants its media dumbed down. The declining of intelligence is also examined along with the monetary pressures that these businesses are under. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA353dd.rtf
How Culture Shapes Society
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This 6 page paper looks at British and Japanese culture for the most part to discuss the relevance of culture. Concepts are discussed in general as well. Media and how media treats stories are a focus of this paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: SA402cul.rtf
How Do Audiences Engage With Television And/Or New Media?
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6 pages in length. The extent to which audiences engage with television and/or new media is both grand and far-reaching; that the entire encounter is experienced from a wholly personal level speaks to the tremendous impact media in general - and television in particular - have upon the very foundation of human existence. One of the most blatant displays of this influence is found in advertisements, and one of the most successfully orchestrated campaigns that has tapped into the intimate recesses of consumers' psyche is Nike's 'Just Do It.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCAudEngag.rtf
How Far Do Representations of Youth Crime in Britain, Through Popular Culture, Influence the Public's Perceptions of Young People in Today's Society?
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This 11 page paper is a literature review covering a range of sources that would be useful for a dissertation which examines How far representations of youth crime in Britain, through popular culture, influence the public's perceptions of young people in today's society. The paper starts by placing the occurrence of crime into a social context and reviews crime theory. The paper then looks individually at the way youth crime is reported and the influences on the making of the news, and then at the way the news will influence the audience by looking at audience theories. The bibliography cites 21 sources.
Filename: TEcrimmed.rtf
How Has Communication Research Related To Communication Policy?
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5 pages in length. Research is the lifeblood of any policy; without the benefit of such examination, the foundation of policymaking would be suspect and wholly inaccurate. However, the seemingly cut-and-dried relationship between communication research and communication policy is anything but; the extent to which bias, personal agenda and ineptitude harmfully impact policy outcome is, according to Halloran, both grand and far-reaching. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCCommRsch.rtf
How Media Advertising is Used in Various Countries
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A 5 page paper which discusses how some countries use advertising to gain the attention of the consumer. The countries discussed are Japan, Mexico, parts of Europe, and the United States. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAadvmed.wps
How Race is Depicted on Television:
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This 7 page paper examines the issue of race in terms of how it is depicted on television. This paper specifically examines the depiction of Native Americans primarily, and addresses their depiction in both news and dramatic television programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: GSPhilte.rtf
How the Media Portrays Celebrities
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A 4 page paper which examines the affect of how
the media portrays celebrities. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAcelebs.rtf
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