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Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Law Enforcement and the Media
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A 14 page paper which examines how law enforcement is portrayed by the media, how it affects the public’s perception of police departments, how several famous cases have been covered and the significance of racial and sexual prejudice. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: TGlawmed.rtf

Learning and Testing in a Second Language
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15 pages. Testing techniques in a second language course are numerous and there are mixed results depending upon the type of testing that is done. One test is called the cloze test, which is discussed in this paper. There are ways that linguistic instructors can adapt this particular test so that it can be more easily understood and modified to meet the needs of particular students. Also discussed are some of the difficulties encountered in language testing and requirements and how measurements can be determined to be accurate. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: JGA2lang.rtf

Lexical Cohesion
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An 11 page paper that presents the concept of lexical cohesion as designed by Halliday and Hasan, and demonstrates that there are a number of reason this concept is problematic. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Lexicalc.wps

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This 5 page paper outlines the very real problem that libraries face with maintaining expensive literary and academic journals. Illustrations from various public libraries and their solutions, ALA predictions and recommendations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MBlibrary1.rtf

Linguistic Project
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5 pages. In this sample linguistic project the focus is on bi-lingualism. Those individuals who speak two languages and comfortably use both languages intermittently sometimes find themselves switching from one language to another so quickly that it is almost as though a third language has been created. This project describes the means of data collection, the analysis of that data and the interpretation of the results. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAlings.rtf

Linguistic/Prototype Theory & Semantic Features
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A 20 page research paper that examines, discusses and analyzes two analytical approaches to linguistic analysis. The writer argues that while these two approaches to linguistic analysis may appear to be competing approaches to world analysis, a closer look at each of these topics demonstrates that rather than competing they should be perceived as complementary ways of viewing the same subject. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khlinpro.rtf

Linguistics / Lecture Methodology
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This 5 page paper explains the lecture method of teaching. Both essential and nonessential components are discussed. The writer also includes techniques that hold the student's attention and that enhance the student's learning. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGlectur.wps

Linguistics And The Use Of Indirectness In Language
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Indirect language is often used as a means of determining politeness, for self-protection, in language representative of particular cultures and as a means of conveying humor. This 15 page paper considers the linguistic components of Indirectness in a number of different scenarios and considers the range of its application across a variety of languages. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Lingdire.wps

Liquor Industry Adherent Self-Regulation: Must Rule Advertisements In All Forms Of Mass Media
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8 pages in length. Through the years, a distinctive trend has been established with regard to the various methods advertisers employ in order to outshine the competition. Some of these practices are looked upon as being instrumental within such a cutthroat environment; others, however, are viewed as inappropriate and unacceptable. In spite of the fact that the broadcast media are the focal points for such a vast array of advertising techniques, they do not reserve the right to censor public consumption. Some believe that imparting television and radio executives with the power to control the flow of advertising is no different than censoring the inherent freedom of the press. Advertisers have the right to sell their products in whatever manner is most effective; in fact, that is the entire essence behind the free enterprise: that each business has the constitutional right to align whatever components are necessary to make it stand out above its competitors. There is no law in the land that can prohibit advertisers from portraying their products in the most advantageous light possible; it is up to the broadcast media to respect this concept of freedom of speech. It is an unusual occurrence, but entire industries do sometimes regulate their own advertising if it is established that the message being presented is contradictory to societal norm, and the liquor industry is a prime example. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCLqSlf.rtf

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This paper provides a "literature review" about web sites and article discussing the topics of creole, pidgin and lingua francas. The paper itself notes that, although there is not much information available about the aformentioned topics, linguists are starting to become interested in these versions of language. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MTlangua.rtf

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