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Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Is Britain Living In A Post-Modern Society?
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This 6 page paper considers if contemporary British society may be seen as post modern. In arguing that it is the writer considers the media and films, literature and architecture. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEpostmo.rtf

Is it Possible to Speak a Private Language?
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This 12 page paper considers the question of whether it is possible to speak a private language, and relates this in terms of the theories and views of Wittgenstein. This paper integrates a view of Wittgenstein's Private Language and the concepts of realism, antirealim, private language, meanings, and even the nature of language itself. This paper also considers the different between private and public language. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MHLanPhi.rtf

Is Libel Law a Restriction of the Freedom of the Press?
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This 10 page paper considers the statement “The English Law of libel and defamation represents an unwarranted restriction on the freedom of the press and the broadcast media”. The paper looks at both sides of the argument and uses numerous cases to illustrate points raised. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TElibel1.rtf

Is the Enhanced Perception of Received Pronunciation a form of Snobbery?
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This 3 page paper considers the statement that Received Pronunciation (RP) is only one accent among many, and to consider it of any importance is only snobbery. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TErecpron.rtf

Is the Pen Mightier than the Sword?;
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This 5 page paper considers the age old saying that the pen is mightier than the sword. The paper looks at the historical evidence and the effect of violence verses peace as a method to bring about change. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEpenswo.rtf

Issue / Language Changes Context
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A 12 page research paper addressing the debate on whether context shapes language or language shapes context. The writer argues that only language can shape context because even context-supportive theorists argue that context is static and only language is changing. To support the argument, the writer focuses on language that has moved a nation, specifically that used by Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and William Clinton. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: Cnlangcn.wps

Italian Loanwords and English
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This 6 page report discusses the common use of Italian words as a part of the English language. Many words of Italian origin have been incorporated into the English language over the years. Some of these include gondola, cameo, arsenal, regatta, fresco, studio, vendetta, broccoli, motto, piano, opera, grotto, violin, volcano, basilica, stucco, terra-cotta, umbrella, and inferno. The list is immense and can be seen as part of the ways in which age-old Italian concepts and traditions have become a part of the melting-pot reality of modern America. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWitaeng.rtf

Jamaica and the Music - mon!
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(6 pp.) According to an internet site labeled "fantasy tours," Jamaica is "eternal summer." So it only makes sense that it would have "hot music." But we also learn, "the island" "has rugged mountain ranges, with Blue Mountain Peak, the highest point, soaring 7,402 feet. It has miles of white beaches, bordered by the blue Caribbean. It has 120 rivers flowing from the mountains to the coast. And it has great central plains, fertile agricultural lands, towering cliffs, magnificent waterfalls, and dense tropical forests." What that tells us is our "hot music," still has a lot of varied cultural influences. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BBjahmus.doc

Jean Baudrillard; Hyper Reality and the Media
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This 11 page paper considers Baudrillard's theory of hyper reality and how we can see this impact on the social world due to the role of the media with its' creation and propagation of images. The paper discusses the theory and the role of simulation, and uses examples to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEhyprel.wps

Jerry Mander's "Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television"
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses the following four points as they relate to Mander's perspective on television and society: people's awareness is walled in; television replaces human images; television images become disconnected from their source; and the concept of voyeurism in reality-based programs. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCMndrs.rtf

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