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Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Marjorie H. Goodwin/"Talk as Social Organization"
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A 5 page research paper that examines the research on language use by black children. Anthropologist Marjorie Goodwin, armed herself with a tape recorder, and for eighteen months, she observed a group composed of 49 African American youth, all of whom lived on Maple Street in Southwest Philadelphia. The results of fieldwork are expertly compiled in her book, He Said, She Said: Talk as Social Organization Among Black Children. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: 99goodwn.wps

Mass Communication Affects Social Policies
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A 5 page paper that provides a review of an article by Mira Sotirovic (2001) entitled Affective and Cognitive Processes as Mediators of Media Influences on Crime-Policy Preferences. The writer provides an overview and critique of the article and study. The writer also provides additional support for the premise that media affect people's thoughts and opinions. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGsocme.wps

Mass Media -- the Perpetuation of Globalization
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This 5 page report discusses the role played by mass media in the globalization processes of commerce and information taking place throughout the world. On one hand communication technology such as television is thought of as the link to the development of the “global village” and the key to understanding other people in other cultures. On the other hand, it has been and can be blamed for the violence in American society and said to have damaged moral behavior and reasoning, while leading to the overall decline of literacy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWglobmm.rtf

Mass Media and Advertising
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A 9 page paper which discusses how mass media effects advertising. The paper illustrates that the relationship between the two is very similar, in that the mass media, no matter the organization, group, company, station, or corporation, has need of involving itself in advertising their particular entity in order to gain attention from the public. In this, it is obvious that mass media and advertising effect and influence one another. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAmedadvt.wps

Mass Media and Communication Messages in the Japanese Tourists' Perceptions of Hawaii
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This 5 page report discusses a variety of communication, marketing, and economic issues associated with Japanese tourism in Hawaii. Specialized channels of communication, as well as mainstream media in Japan, have created an image of the Hawaiian Islands that has little to do with unique cultural aspects or even the natural beauty of Hawaii and much more to do with shopping and the opportunity for the party of a lifetime. The message has had to be radically altered to address value and cost benefits of vacation in Hawaii. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWjpTour.rtf

Mass Media and Education
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This 5 page paper looks at how the media may be seen as having an educational role and what that role may be. The writer considers this from the perceptive of both the media originators as well as the media audience. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEedumed.wps

Mass Media And Its Influence
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A 10 page paper that begins with data regarding the ownership of different media and how that results in homogenization of mass media. Other topics include: the purpose and goals of media; the power and influence of the media by exploiting some stories and suppressing others; censorship of the media; how the media impacts American thinking and opinions; external control of the media; and a brief discussion focusing on whether or not certain media should be censored. Examples included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGinfmed.rtf

Mass Media And Popular Culture: Marxist Perspectives
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6 pages in length. The extent to which Marxist perspectives, such as those of Adorno and Althusser, have made an important contribution to understanding the role of popular culture and the media in modern societies is both grand and far-reaching; not only have these perspectives recognized the ulterior motive, but they have also helped to illustrate the power inherent to popular culture and mass media. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCPopMs.rtf

Mass Media And Terrorism
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A 15 page research paper that explores how terrorists are successful at exploiting the link between the news media, public opinion, and presidential decision making. The writer discusses the sociological and political dimensions of reported violence in hostage, terrorist attacks, and bombings situations. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: Cnmdia.wps

Mass Media and the Self / Negative Influences
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A 9 page paper that presents the impact of the mass media on the individual through the perspectives of a number of significant theorists, including Lasch and Freud. This paper demonstrates the negative impacts of the mass media on individual self-identification, while also demonstrating the societal impacts as well. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Mass.wps

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