Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Journalism as a Nineteenth Century Innovation
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This 11 page paper provides a historical look at journalism with a focus on how the nineteenth century changed it. Newspaper reporting is the focus of this paper that talks about hoax journalism and other trends which emanated from the 1800s. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: SA202jrn.rtf
Journalism Coverage: Nepal, Philippines, and Peru
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A 5 page paper which examines
journalism coverage of the recent Maoist insurgencies in Nepal and the Philippines, as well
as the conditions of the Shining Path in Peru a few years back. Bibliography lists 5
Filename: RAnepal.wps
Journalism Ethics
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Reporting Terrorism and Retaliation: A 12 page paper discussing the news media's treatment of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the anthrax scare and subsequent action in Afghanistan in terms of the philosophies of Kant and Mill. The paper's focus is a discussion of the ethics of the media's cooperation with government officials in their efforts to report the news as it occurred. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSethicMedia.rtf
Journalism; A Comparison Between the US and the UK
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This 7 page paper compares journalism in the UK and the US. The paper begins with an historical perspective of how newspapers were used differently in the US and the role of the press in the War in Independence. The political difference of the two counties are then considered. In each instance the impact that this has had on different styles of journalism is considered. The paper ends with an examination of the role and values of the BBC. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEjorusu.rtf
Journalism; Perspectives of the Truth
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This 5 page paper considers two internet news sites and they present differing perspectives on the truth though the content and presentation of the news. The two sites examined are the BBC News site and the Independent Information Centre. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEjounpr.rtf
Journalistic Autonomy in Egypt
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A 5 page paper discussing the state of media freedom in Egypt for the purpose of determining Egypt’s media system type. The paper concludes that Egypt’s system is a transitional one. Formerly repressed, it has enjoyed more freedom than nearly any other Middle East nation in the past. The Mubarak regime, however, progressively has reduced freedom of the press. A 1995 law disallows overt criticism of government figures and is ambiguous enough that the government can build any type of case against nearly any real or perceived offending member of the media. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSEgyptJourn.rtf
Journalistic Fact Verses Opinion: The Feasibility of the Australian Press Council’s Principle 5
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A 5 page discussion of the Australian Press Council’s “Principle 5” which states in part that publications written by journalist should make fact clearly distinguishable from opinion. This paper analyzes the degree to which fact can be distinguished from opinion and the degree to which distinction is desirable. Emphasizes that fact is always clearly distinguishable from opinion and that passing this distinction on to the reader is an integral part of the journalistic responsibility. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPmediaA.wps
Journalistic Objectivity: Technology And Politics
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An 8 page overview of objectivity in journalism. Presents a correlation between the level of technological advancement and the degree of lack of objectivity. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MediaObj.wps
Julia Woods’ Approach to Relational Communication
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A 4 page paper discussing the normative, didactic, social network and circumstantial categories of Woods’ approach to relational communication. These categories are not static, but allow for individuals to move between them as relationships change. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KScomRelateInter.rtf
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In 5 pages, the author having observed people interact at the mall, estimates how much of their messages are being overtly stated and how much of it is given in kinesics. No sources are cited.
Filename: PCkine.doc
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