Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Communication and Culture: Assessment Questions
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This 4 page paper evaluates two questions posed by a student for a communication and culture class. A photograph is evaluated for iconic, symbolic or indexical elements. Stereotyping is discussed in the context of print media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA416QaA.rtf
Communication and Dialogue: A Review of Two Articles
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A 3 page overview of two articles in communication. Emphasizing the importance of dialogic leadership, “Williams’ 1999 article entitled “Dialogic Leadership” recounts the communication problems behind numerous organizational problems at key U.S. firms. Bohm, Factor, and Garrett (2003) also explore the importance of dialogue, contending that dialogue offers us the means of overcoming many of the various problems which confront the world today, a means of exploring the “presuppositions, ideas, beliefs, and feelings” which control group interactions. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPComOr2.rtf
Communication and Disputes in Cyberspace
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This 10 page paper considers how disputes and misunderstandings can occur in cyberspace as a result of the style of the communication medium and the way the communication is interpreted. The paper also looks at how and where he disputes may be resolved and where the distance and detachment of cyberspace is an advantage or a disadvantage. The bibliography cites 18 sources.
Filename: TEcybercom.rtf
Communication and Organizational Development
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A 9 page paper discussing how true, effective and meaningful communication within the organizations has positively contributed to their present success and positions within their respective industries. There are many potential barriers to effective communication, either on a large scale or on a one-to-one basis. In some cases, it is the responsibility of both the speaker and listener to be aware of potential "disconnects" that can occur. In all cases, the speaker carries the greater responsibility to ensure that what it is that s/he means to convey is what the audience is hearing. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KScommOrgDev.rtf
Communication and Symbolic Interaction Theory
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This 7 page report discusses the various aspects of “Symbolic Interaction” in terms of the relationships that exists between groups of people and within those groups. No sources listed.
Filename: BWcomean.rtf
Communication and the Communications Professional
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The role of a communications profession, whether in marketing, journalism or PR, is to communicate a set message so that it is understood b the target audience. This 3 page paper considers how professional communicators can undertake this task and why it is important they understand how the audience will receive the message. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEcomprof2.rtf
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This 5-page paper discusses the importance of communication as part of a customer service platform. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTcomcus.rtf
Communication and U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Mexico
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An 8 page overview of how poor intercultural communication during the Woodrow Wilson Presidency negatively shaped foreign policy towards Mexico. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPcomForeignPolicyMexico.rtf
Communication as a Regulatory Process
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A 5 page paper showing how communication, both verbal and non-verbal, can regulate behavior. The example used is that of a student dance demonstration, in which the young dancers are all either positively or negatively influenced by their mothers prior to their performance; the paper suggests that this influences the way they perform. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Commreg.wps
Communication as a Social Process
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A 3 page paper discussing how the academic study of interpersonal communication has enhanced our understanding of communication as a social process. Academic study of communications directly affects efficacy of cross-cultural communications in all fields. Though such study may not be able to solve the problems that exist, its ability to identify the existence of communication “disconnects” gives it value. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KScommAcad.rtf
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