Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Combat Journalism
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The art of journalism lies in the telling of stories
- true stories that impact the lives of many or a few, but stories,
nonetheless. This 5 page paper explores the history and character of war
reporting. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KTwarrap.wps
Comedy Amid Chaos - American Humor During the Great Depression
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A 5 page paper that examines the effect of the Great Depression on American comedy. Discussed are comedic radio programs of the era, as well as comedy motion pictures, and the purpose they served in providing a severely economically depressed America with a means of a temporary escape and relief from the hard times wrought by the Depression. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: LCcomedy.doc
Commemorative Speech on Charles M. Schulz
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This 5 page paper provides a first person speech commemorating this artist who passed away in 2000. The characters who appear in the comic strip are discussed in detail. No sources.
Filename: SA229CMS.rtf
Communicating At Work – Book Report
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A 9 page paper. Communicating at Work is written by Tony Allesandra, Ph.D. and Phil Hunsaker, Ph.D. This paper offers a synopsis of the book and includes some of the many ideas the authors provide. Different topics discussed include the four styles of communicating, nonverbal communication, listening, writing skills, effective meetings and more. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGcmwrk.rtf
Communicating Customer Service
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A 12 page paper discussing the issue of
customer service at Ameritech as a problem of internal and external communications. The
company consistently issues press releases glossing over the long term customer service problems
and then generally fails to live up to the promises made in those press releases. The paper
examines possible underlying reasons and make suggestions for a better approach. Bibliography
lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSbusCommPR.wps
Communication -- Shifting from Transmission to Ritual
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This 6
page report discusses how the processes in which ideas and
information are transmitted or communicated differs significantly
from the ways in which communication evolves as a ritualistic
operation. From both a theoretical and a practical perspective,
communication that exists only to impart information is very
different from communication that takes place as either part of
or as an outcome of ritual. It is important to consider how
communication figures into the larger context of defining social
interaction, determining its greater meaning, and serving as a
means through which people are able to connect with “something”
greater than themselves as individuals. Bibliography lists 6
Filename: BWcomrit.wps
Communication / Construction Work
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A 8 page research paper discussing two issues of communication: opening communication channels on the work site and improving one's own communication processes. The writer contends that open communication channels enhance job performance and offers three specific suggestions for how to accomplish this. The second part of the paper deals with how supervisors can improve two aspects of their own communication processes to also enhance moral and job performance and to avoid misunderstandings. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Const.wps
Communication Analysis
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A 5 page paper identifying communication "disconnects" at an organization, followed by identification and discussion of specific points used as examples. The paper presents examples in a 2-page text table, and then assigns the organization (a school district) a score of 88 for overall effectiveness. The same circumstances in another organization would be deserving of a score in the low 90s, perhaps a 91 or 92. Because this specific organization is a public school district and is charged in part with teaching better skills than those exhibited in several areas of communication, however, it is awarded a lower score. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KScommMgmtRA.rtf
Communication Analysis and the Sacramento Kings
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This 6 page report discusses the National Basketball Association (NBA) team, the Sacramento Kings. Different communication theories and frameworks are used to consider the effectiveness of the team’s Internet site. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWsackng.rtf
Communication and Blumer's Concept of Symbolic Interaction
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This 5 page paper considers the concepts presented in by Herbert Blumer in the book Approaches to Human Communication. This paper presents Blumer's arguments regarding the impact of symbolic interactions. No additional
sources cited.
Filename: MHHumCom.wps
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