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Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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The Importance Of Bilingual Education
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A 6 page outline of the importance of bilingual education and how the availability of such bilingual programs affects a student's ability to perform adequately in the academic world. Annotated bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Bilin.wps
Crime & Justice in the Non Western Media
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National and international restrictions on the news media and increasing criminal activity against journalists are just to concerns that come into view when considering the representations of crime in the non-Western news media. This 10 page paper provides a comparative view of the issue of crime in the media, and then evaluates the specific context of Saudi Arabia, where critics have argued the royal family controls what is viewed and how international news media are allowed to pursue internal information. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Saudmed.wps
Compromised Media / The Case Against the Tabloidizaton of the 'Legitimate' Press
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A 16 page research paper which posits that the media has compromised itself by going to bed with politicians. The writer discusses the media's degraded position in regard to public trust, and blames its position on a lack of vision which ranges the Kennedy, Reagan, and Clinton administrations. Based on Reagan's example and the media's response to it, the writer uses a 'cowboy' metaphor to describe the relationship between the media and politicians. The writer lists specific threats to the news media and also provides solutions. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: Cnmedpol.wps
Gender Biased Language
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6 pages in length. This paper reviews three articles on the title subject and analyzes each article. There are people who use language that would be considered biased in use. The question that is raised is this: Is the language a cause of the bias or is the bias a cause of the language used? Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAlingu.wps
Interrogating the Media: Issues of Gender
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A 5 page paper which discusses
communications and mass media and illustrates how people need to interrogate the media
and develop an oppositional gaze. Only by doing so can people expect to uncover some of
the real social issues that the mass media has a tendency to gloss over, or misinterpret
purposefully. This focus on interrogating the media is illustrated as it relates to social
gender issues and concerns. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAinterrg.rtf
Media and the News -- The Chicken and the Egg Question
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This 10
page report discusses the modern media and the extent to which it
is responsible for making the news or breaking the news.
Increasingly, the line between reporting the news and
participating in the news has become blurred for the modern
media. If the media does not show up to cover a “newsworthy”
event, was it really “newsworthy?” In an age of instant
communication, in which there is little time for reflection,
accuracy, balance or integrity -- the media regularly creates the
impression that sleaze, is everywhere and that nothing is sacred.
So which comes first, media or the news, the chicken or the egg?
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWmednew.wps
Media Bias
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The subject is covered by focusing on a New York Times article published shortly after the Abner Louima incident in Brooklyn. This 6 page analysis suggests that, although this Haitian immigrant was brutalized, it was unfair for media to blame the police without adequately exploring the case. Other cases are mentioned in the discussion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Mediabia.wps
Media Bias # 2
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This 5 page paper provides a discussion on the premise that media is biased. It concludes that although there is less objectivity in reporting today, there is not a particular slant as often charged. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Medbias.wps
Media Influence Upon Society
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15 pages in length. Media influence has become a social mainstay in contemporary society. Not only do newspapers, radio, television and magazines strive to inform and entertain, but they also hold a significant power over what people believe. Since its inception, the standard of media presence was long a tool of integrity and fairness. Newspersons and entertainers may have embellished here and there in order to put more flavor into a certain piece or program, but for the most part, there was a distinct significance to an inherently honesty portrayal. Truth was a respected commodity in reporting of days gone by. The writer discusses how these days, the media have lost sight of what is important, whether that is with current events or prime time programming, often choosing to compromise social integrity. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TLCmedso.wps
Media Racial Bias
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9 pages in length. Given the power of the press, one would think that reporting the facts would be of utmost importance. However, the truth is often intermixed with fiction, opinion and downright bias when it comes to the media's interpretation of racial issues. The writer addresses racial bias within the media, as well as cites substantiated reasons for its existence. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Mrbias.wps
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