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Papers On Communications, Media, Theory, Etc
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Media Stereotypes
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A 5 page essay that looks at the current state of media and its obsession with stereotypical images. The paper reviews social theory relating to image, racial portrayals in the media, and the portrayal of women in the media—and posits that in the United States, legitimate media is currently underground. Bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: Steromed.wps

New York City / Media Visual Imagery
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20 pages in length. The media image of New York City is one that is both intriguing and dishonest; nowhere else are there more accounts of stereotypical imagery than is portrayed within the Big Apple. A number of various entities have worked together though the decades to create the larger than life image of New York City the world has come to adopt; art, photography and film represent a significant part of that influence. When one contemplates the visual imagery of New York City as it relates to the media, one does not have to think long before a predisposed illustration comes to mind. Not unlike other victims of media influence, New York City is perceived as a twisted Mecca of entertainment, violence, self-centeredness, insanity and raw indifference. The writer discusses the various aspects of media visual imagery as it relates to New York City. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: NYCimage.wps

Public Polling & Surveys / The Use in the Media and Impacts on Individual Decision-making
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News media organizations and politicians use public opinion surveys to shape public perceptions and address their specific arguments. One of the misnomers of American cultures is that the use of these surveys represents an accurate and accountable view of the opinions of the public as a whole, rather than just representing the cumulative views of the individuals that the survey studies. Both Floyd Fowler and Herbert Asher address the issue of bias in surveys and public polling and this 8 page paper considers the arguments they present. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Polling.wps

The 'Smurfette Principle' & Today's Gender-Biased Media
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Nearly three decades after the 'Feminist Movement' and the initiation of the Equal Rights Amendment, much of the entertainment media is still reflecting lower-level roles, even subordinate roles for women. This 4 page essay explores 'The Smurfette Principle' in terms of various preschool television shows. The similarity of today's storylines to those of 25 and more years ago is astounding. . . a rather incredible fact in light of the feminist movement. Gender bias is alive and well in entertainment media. No bibliography.
Filename: Smurfett.wps

The Bias of Communication; Technology that Monopolizes Space and Communication that Monopolizes Time
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This 6 page paper considers the perspectives of Harold Innis, one of the best noted theorists regarding modern communications, and assesses his view that 'the media of communications has an important influence on the dissemination of knowledge over space and time. This paper considers the views of Innis as they can be applied to an assessment of the Vietnam War Memorial as a communication bias of time and the Internet as a bias of communication of space. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHinnis_

A Review of an Assessment of Whole Language Curriculum
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A 5 page review of a 1996 study published in the Journal of Educational Research assessing the successes and failures of whole language programs in several targeted school districts. A critique of the study and its conclusion is provided. The published study is attached to the critique. No other sources are cited.
Filename: Wholear2.wps

Edison's Inventions and Media
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This 10 page paper tackles the question ,regarding the relations of technology and media Is society better off since Edison's inventions appeared? While the answer may appear simple on the surface, it is rather complex. The Amish lifestyle is used for reference. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA23Edsn.wps

"Communicate with Confidence" by Dianna Booher
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An 8 page paper which reviews and discusses the book "Communicate with Confidence: Say it Right the First Time and Every Time." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAbooher.wps

"Facing Probes, Governor to Resign": A Review of the 2004 New York Times Article
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A 3 page review of a June 2004 article from the New York Times concerning the resignation of Governor John G. Rowland. The author of this paper observes that the article is written from a strictly objective view and its intent is obviously to outline the circumstances surrounding a tedious political situation. The author concludes that the article does an exceptional job of reporting in a non-biased and informative way, of providing information not only on the wrongdoing surrounding the case but also other important details, perhaps the most important of which is the summary of what this resignation will mean for Connecticut. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPgovImp.rtf

"How to Tame a Wild Tongue" by Gloria Anzaldua
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A 3 page paper which summarizes the essay "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" by Gloria Anzaldua. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAanz.rtf

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