Papers On Miscellaneous Issues In Business
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Issues And Challenges Facing Global Leaders
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A 6 page paper that addresses the question: What are the management issues and challenges facing global leaders. The writer outlines, describes, and discusses the issues and challenges as reported by numerous writers and practitioners. The writer also discusses the characteristics and skills today's global leaders must possess. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGglbld.wps
IT and business strategies
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A sixteen page paper which looks at the way in which information technology is used in business, both in terms of company software systems and the Internet.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JLbusstrat.rtf
Japan's Pharmaceutical Industry
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A 10 page paper which discusses Japan's pharmaceutical industry. Issues addressed include drug development, drug research disclosure, birth control pills, and various drug issues. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: RAjaprx.wps
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A 5 page paper which discusses just in time manufacturing. this form of
manufacturing began with the Japanese, primarily in the automobile industry, with Toyota
being one of the largest companies involved. It drew the attention of American
manufacturers, and has been implemented by many companies since, with success levels
varying. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: RAjit.wps
Job Analysis: Certified Practising Accountant- Australia
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This 6 page paper is a job analysis of the management accountant for a fictitious firm. Three methods are used in combination to perform the job analysis and the areas of expertise as described by CPA Australia are used as a benchmark. The analysis indicates the firm needs to change the actual functions being performed. Reasons for the changes are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGmgacau.rtf
Job Costing – Manufacturing Computers
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An 8 page paper that explains job costing approaches that are used in manufacturing firms, focusing on computer manufacturers. Job cost analysis and job order costing are explained. Examples are provided. Activity based costing is also discussed. The items typically omitted from job costing are identified. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGpcjbcs.rtf
Job Satisfaction
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This 5 page paper looks at the various elements which pertain to work satisfaction. The bulk of the paper reviews articles and studies on the topic. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA22Job.rtf
John D. Rockefeller: Robber Baron
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8 pages in length. John D. Rockefeller's mission was clear: to be the best at whatever direction he took, and to work, save and acquire massive amounts of money with every fiber of his being. That is just what he did, claim Ralph and Muriel Hidy, and America cannot deny that JD Rockefeller was one of the most influential industrial geniuses in the country's history. Few people have questioned the integrity of his personal life, yet many – like Matthew Josephson – continue to do so regarding the way he went about cultivating his affluent professional life. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCJDRck.rtf
Julius Caesar and J. P. Morgan: Two Men of Wealth and Power
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pages in length. Two men, each of great wealth and power, living
centuries apart. Yet could they have similarities? And what
were their differences? Certainly the two men were of different
lifestyles, having lived in such different times, but does time
alone affect the way a person obtains his or her wealth and
power? This interesting question and more will be answered in
this paper. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAjpmrg.wps
Just in Time Inventory Systems and Cost Accounting
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This 10 page report discusses just-in-time (JIT) business philosophy which can result in much improved cost accounting. Essentially all businesses experience some aspect of the same logistics issues, whether their business is health care, airlines, or manufacturing. More and more of those companies have come to realize that instead of cutting staff or sacrificing quality of product, JIT allows a way to save just as much money, if not more, while maintaining the workforce and the quality of the product or service. Because JIT processes as applied to inventory reduces inventory to essentially insignificant levels and groups materials according to product lines rather than operational functions, it changes what were indirect, overhead costs to direct product costs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWjit.rtf
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