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Papers On Miscellaneous Issues In Business
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This 5-page paper compares the top jewelry/design houses -- Cartier, Bulgari, Tiffany and Harry Winston -- and discusses their histories, markets and when applicable, finances. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTjewlco.rtf
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This essay explains the difference between exporting, licensing, joint ventures and wholly-owned subsidaries, particularly as this pertains to doing business in foreign markets. Also included are benefits and disadvantages to each tool of market entry. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTexport.rft
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This 8-page paper is a strategic analysis of pharmaceutical company ImClone Systems, Inc. The paper examines the history and background of the company, trends in the pharmaceutical industry, SWOT and concludes with recommendations to keep the company on track. Also touched on is ImClone's current negative publicity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTimclon.rtf
Critique Paper & Gro Dynamics
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A 7 page paper. This paper is a term-end critique of projects completed and what was learned. Four areas are discussed: communication, leadership and decision making. The writer discusses how these are demonstrated and the barriers to each. There is then a discussion of group dynamics and how successful groups are formed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGcri4.wps
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This 15-page paper is an overview of Tollgrade Communication (based in Pennsylvania) and attempts to argue critically whether or not this particular company is one that is worthwhile to invest in. Topics covered include the company history and structure of the board of directors, the stock prices between October 2001 and October 2002 and other financial areas of concern. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MTtolcom.rtf
Environmental Consciousness in Multinational Corporations
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A 14 page paper discussing the shift in corporate environmental thinking in the past 20 years from one of minimum compliance to local regulations to adopting environmental responsibility as a matter of strategy. Multinational corporations in the past have been accused of fleeing to developing nations only to take advantage of weak environmental laws and greater attendant opportunity to operate outside the regulations they would face in nations of greater development. A more realistic view is that businesses most successful in many developing nations are environmentally-intensive ones such as petroleum refining and circuit board construction. Many US-based organizations have come to understand that prevention generally is less costly than cleanup, a concept that many multinational corporations of diverse national origin have adopted as well. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSmneEnv.rtf
Smoke on The Water Cooler - Smoking & The Work Environment
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A 5-page paper that examines the affects of smoking in the workplace on both business and nonsmoking coworkers. Discussed is the Environmental Protection Agency's 1992 report concerning the dangers of 'secondhand smoke' and the trend toward smoke-free working environments that this report instigated as well as both employer and employee concerns regarding nonsmoking policies. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: LCSmoke.doc
Enron Corporation
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A 14 page paper that begins with a brief history of Enron prior to the scandal. The paper then goes on to explain what happened, what went wrong, how the company committed fraud. The author comments on the whistle-blower. The key players are identified with the charges against them and the disposition of the cases. The last section discusses the outcomes of this scandal in terms of new regulations and legislation intended to prevent further cases of the same nature. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGenrn04.rtf
Careers in Electronic-Commerce
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In 3 pages, the author discusses careers in electronic-commerce. A 1 page proposal is also given. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: PCcec.wps
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This 15 page report discusses the event that is electronic commerce. Electronic commerce has emerged as a mainstream phenomena -- it is no longer the preserve of a technical elite. Fledgling companies and organizational models have developed in manufacturing and other enterprises ranging from industrial production to home crafters to bring together buyers and sellers in the new electronic market. This report looks at many of the considerations for manufacturing, discusses potential problems, and examines the potential of the online market for manufacturing concerns. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: BWecomm.wps
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