Papers On Miscellaneous Issues In Business
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Business in 2025: A Hypothetical Forecast
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A 5 page projection of our business future in 2025. Outlines the technological changes which we are experiencing which directs that future and emphasizes E-Commerce as the most influential factor. Entire organizational structures and world economy are already changing as a result of the influence of the World Wide Web and the Internet. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPbs2025.wps
Bell Atlantic Launches Long Distance Service
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A 9 page paper that discusses Bell Atlantic's move into offering long distance service. Issues discussed include the requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, some of the steps Bell Atlantic took to fulfill the conditions, approval and subsequent sanction of the company by the FCC, the consent decree and present status. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGbellat.wps
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This 6-page paper examines a case study of an Asian supermarket in the United States and how the owners work with Chinese suppliers. The essay examines the state of supply chain management in China, and then provides recommendations to the supermarket owners on how they can best manage their China-based suppliers. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MTchisup.rtf
Eastman Kodak and the Photo Imaging Industry
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Eastman Kodak has recently decided to remake itself because it has been losing sales and market share in photo imaging during the last decade. It will be important for Eastman Kodak to diversify further by entering additional markets with a range of products, in terms of quality finishing. These should include expanding the digital camera, ink jet printer and flat-screen display markets they have already entered. During this risky time, despite its good name, Eastman Kodak must take a second look at its public policy in order to guarantee success. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvKodak.rtf
Filename: jvKodak.rtf
Accounting for Stock Option Plans
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This 7 page report discusses accounting for stock method plans and includes information on the primary concerns involved with the accounting side of administering such a plan. For a large number of companies in the United States, a portion of executive compensation is in the form of stock options. This can serve as incentive, as well as a potentially lucrative “bonus.” However, there are also a number of risks associated with the programs based on the viability and growth of the company stock. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWacct.rtf
ABC Software Project Development
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This 7 page paper discusses two fictitious companies: ABC Software Solutions, a software development company, and Midnight Auto Supply, a small family-owned business with three stores. ABC is developing a system for Midnight that will integrate a number of their functions, such as accounts payable, inventory, ordering, and payroll. The system will also cut checks and print labels. A brief overview of what each component will do is provided along with the names of specific programs available on the market. The essay concludes with the programming tool ABC will use to create this integrated system. No Bibliography.
Filename: PGabc.wps
GAAP Standardizes Software Expenses
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A 6 page paper that discusses the American Institute Certified Public Accountants' SOP 98-1. Two issues are discussed: standardizing recording of software expenses and standardizing accounting for insurance-related assessments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGsop98.wps
Managing Software Development Teams
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A 14 page paper discussing a specific company's (MSD, Ltd.) approach to software development in a global setting, followed by detailed discussions of questions such as how organizations can avoid the security risks inherent in centralizing its electronically-stored data; whether effective business strategy is dependent on effective information management strategy; and why any organization would choose to outsource its IT function. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSsoftware.wps
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This 5-page paper examines a hypothetical problem faced by a business owner who has been asked by one of her clients to accommodate her disabilities. The paper, which touches on corporate responsibility to the community, outlines the pros and cons of such accommodations, while discussing issues such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. The paper concludes with suggestions on how the business owner should handle this request. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTbusres.rtf
Computer Technology and its Impact on Society
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A 5 page paper which argues that, while computer technology has brought us a great deal of more efficient services and given us greater access to the world, for the most part computer technology has harmed our society much more than it has helped it. From ruined marriages, to a form of reliance on technology that is not altogether healthy or wise, the growth of computer use, and computer technology has created a society that relies on technology far too much, and takes this technology far too much for granted. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAcomtech.wps
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