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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Changes in Advertising over the Last Half Century
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A 6 page paper focusing on the change of influence of advertising elasticities. The question being considered here is, “The Elasticity of advertising has been falling since the mid 1950s for most products and for most industries. Does this mean the end of formal promotion techniques?” The short answer is that it does not. The justification for this answer takes the form of a brief discussion of the 4 Ps of marketing that emphasizes promotion. The paper also provides some historical perspective regarding consumers’ desire for value. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSmktgAdvert1950s.rtf
Changes in Advertising Since the 1950s
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A 7 page rewrite of the paper titled, “Changes in Advertising over the Last Half Century” containing much of the same text but presented from a different perspective. This paper includes more information about how advertising was done in the 1950s and why advertising elasticity measures were more applicable then. The landscape has changed dramatically, however, and the 1950s adage, “you get what you pay for” generally no longer applies. Formal promotion techniques still are relevant, but in a different form than that which was relevant a half-century ago. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSmktgAdvert1950s2.rtf
Changes In Consumer Behavior & Their Implications for Marketers
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A 33 page paper taking a general look at marketing and consumer behavior since the 1920s, when widespread use of electricity and economic prosperity gave rise to marketing in earnest. There was growing discontent with promises made vs. product delivered by the 1950s; the current consumerism movement was crystallized in 1962 with the Consumers' Bill of Rights. When consumers demanded value in their purchases, they increasingly turned to Japanese companies to study their methods of manufacturing only to discover that the Japanese had raised to an art form the same principles of continuous process improvement and high quality that American manufacturers had eschewed after World War II. It was TQM, and they called it a 'Japanese' technique. American manufacturers have rectified most of their quality problems, and now court the American consumer in relationships, are environmentally aware and make increasing use of the Internet in order to market to one at a time. Bibliography lists 20+ sources.
Filename: Consume.wps
Changes in Marketing Communications
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A 7 page paper assessing the pertinence of manufacturers’ brands in today’s markets. The concept of manufacturers promoting their own products may well be obsolete. Though it can be argued that companies such as General Motors and Coca-Cola certainly market products rather than brands, there are many more examples of third-party organizations marketing their own brands produced by outside manufacturers. The bottom line appears to be that marketing communications practice is changing in response to changing consumer needs, a pattern that has been repeated throughout advertising history. The notion that “the traditional manufacturers brand is an outdated concept” superficially appears to be overstated, but may well be an accurate observation. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSadvMktgComm.rtf
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This 3 page paper discusses the influence that marketing has on culture and the average american person. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBamerican.rtf
Changes in the Mail Order Industry
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A 20 page paper discussing trends in this "old" approach to retailing that now is the fastest-growing segment of the industry. Sears believed mail order
certainly was dying. Unfortunately, the aspect of retail sales that was in decline was that which the company chose to keep when it ended the 105-year history of its catalog perations. As life becomes more pressured in terms of time, increasing numbers of shoppers are abandoning physical retail outlets in favor of mail order. Even Sears has reentered mail order in the form of
Internet sales, which posted amazing growth during the 1999 holiday season. Other notable companies are discussed here, including Fingerhut, Brylane's and Lillian Vernon. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSmailOrdr.wps
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This 3-page paper focuses on the concept of channel marketing as essay questions are answered. The questions posed include the difference between conflict and competition in channel marketing and channel management issues associated with economic conditions such as inflation, recession and deflation. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MTchamar.rtf
Chicken's Compatibility with Pizza
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A 10 page paper discussing the decision to adopt
Buffalo wings as a standard menu item among pizza chains. Following continuous and sustained growth throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the pizza industry suffered flat growth and even pockets of decline in the early 1990s. Aging baby boomers, health concerns with high-fat foods and likely a measure of boredom with pizza have all contributed to the
decline. Pizza makers of all sizes are searching for alternatives. Most have expanded their
pizza choices, and many have settled on chicken wings as a workable add-on item. Includes
2 tables. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSpizzChic.wps
Children And Youth As Consumers
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This 15 page paper begins by providing data about the population of children in the U.S., divided into age groups. The paper then discusses the astounding buying power of children under the age of 18, both in terms of direct purchases and in terms of influencing parents' purchases. Data are then reported regarding the types of purchases children make. Following these data is a comprehensive discussion of the consumer socialization process as it relates to youngsters. This discussion inherently includes cognitive and social developmental processes and the identification of three specific types of consumer segments in which children are categorized. At the end of this section, the writer comments about how marketers use children to influence their parents' purchasing decisions as well as their own direct purchases. Bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: PGchlcon.rtf
China; Marketing Media
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Marketing in China is a growing industry. This 3 page paper looks at the positive aspects and negative aspects of media advertising industry in China. The paper includes a consideration of free postcard advertising. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEmedchina.rtf
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