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Papers On Management Theory & Applied Operations Mgt.
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Activity Based Systems: Their Effective Use in Costing Exercizes
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This 6 page paper looks at what an activity based system is, the way it may be used along with its advantages and disadvantages. The paper then ends with a case study of a successful company which has used this to system to change from a loss making company into a profitable and thriving organisation. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEactbas.wps
AcuScan Case Study
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A 7 page paper that analyses this case study, which was supplied by the student. The case involves a company's need to increase revenues. Analyses include: assumptions of key players, their arguments and evaluation of those arguments, and conclusions including recommendations. The last page is an executive summary. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGacuscn.rtf
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Building Learning Organization
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A 20 page paper. The first part of the paper identifies and discusses the five disciplines of the learning organization as described by Peter Senge. The second part of the paper discusses the strengths, weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of attempting to build a learning organization. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: PGlrnor2.rtf
Advantages of Multibusiness Corporations
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The structure of a business can be the single most important aspect of whether or not it weathers the economic storms of the modern world. The consumer may not know the nature of the structure; whether it is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation or a limited liability company - but it may make a significant difference to the amount of taxes that are paid, how the employee is able to share in the profit, the response that can be made to a lawsuit and how it is bought and, or, sold. This 5 page paper first describes the alternative structures, then explores the advantages in a multibusiness corporation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KTadcorp.wps
Airline Strategy: A Comparison of Southwest, Delta, United, and American Airlines
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A 5 page discussion of the factors influencing airline success and failure. Identifies Southwest as standing head and shoulders above its competitors in term of market share. Notes that this success revolves around Southwest’s emphasis on being a short-haul company; one that doesn’t pretend to offer many of the amenities of the industry icons like Delta, United and American Airlines. Its emphasis is getting from point A to point B in as expedient and efficient manner as possible. The author asserts that while the other airlines wouldn’t benefit as much from changing their route structure they would benefit from a greater concentration on efficiency and less on customer amenities. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPairlin.rtf
Airplane Crash: A Case Study and Analysis
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This 5 page paper provides a case study regarding the aerospace industry and the use of quantitative analysis. FTA as a mode of analysis is explained in depth. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA433FTA.rtf
Aligning Operations with Company Goals
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A 12 page paper discussing the history of and the decline of quality in the "Quality is Job 1" company. Ford Motor Company had the highest number of recalls in the industry in 2000, and its recent replacement of former CEO Jacques Nasser has unleashed a wealth of management problems. The paper reviews the Firestone debacle, includes recent financial information and recommends that Ford assess quality within itself in the same manner that it does vendors. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSfordOps.rtf
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This paper examines Professor Joan Woodward's theories of the batch system in terms of manufacturing science, then proceeds to disprove these theories. The example used for doing this is Allied Corporation, as written about in the book Manufacturing Consent, by Michael Burawoy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTallbat.rtf
Alpha Personal Dental Care Systems (Case Study Analysis)
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This 12 page paper provides an analysis of the case study. Various sections discuss issues such as management and marketing. A SWOT analysis is included as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA716cse.rtf
Alternative Solution for a Potentially Compromising Business Situation
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A 5 page solution to a situation facing a new-hire at a company which manufactures therapeutic medical devices. The new-hire has been instructed to misrepresent their volume needs to an outside provider with the intent of canceling the order after the smaller volume which is really needed had been obtained. Although the supervisor sees this as the only means of obtaining the small quantity of specialized tool upon which company survival rides (a volume which the outside firm could not feasibly produce with any profitability for themselves), the new-hire recognizes that misrepresenting his company’s intentions to another company would not only be a sure way of gaining an even worse industry reputation than what his new company already had but quite possibly immerse the company in a costly and counterproductive legal proceedings. The new-hire figures out an alternative approach which preserves both his personal ethics and his company’s reputation. No sources are listed.
Filename: PPbusAny.rtf
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