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Papers On Management Theory & Applied Operations Mgt.
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Using the Internet to revolutionize Electronic Data Transfer
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This 10 page report discusses applications of the Internet in the evolution of electronic data transfer. Asynchronous transfer mode, changes in the international standards for computer networking and Internet all have had and will continue to have a significant impact on the future of EDI (electronic data interchange) and allowing the framework by which it can become a truly ubiquitous tool in modern business. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: BWedt.wps

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This 10-page paper focuses on the theory of business process reengineering and how it can positively impact already existing core business processes. Included in the essay is a discussion of the origins of BPR, as well as specific examples of BPR's impact on already established business processes. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTbprcbp.rtf

Merging Management Positions for Profitability and Accountability
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This is a time when being lean means strength and being fat means weakness. Companies, and countries, all over the world are reengineering themselves to reduce employment and reduce duplication of effort to save costs. One of the most economic methods of achieving such stellar objectives is to merge management and worker positions, and one of the best combinations is the merging of the Quality Assurance Manager role with that of the Health & Safety Manager. By combining these roles, the company succeeds at not only reducing costs, but also combining two positions that rely on the same aspects of control – strict adherence to standardization and compliance. 6 references. jvQAHnSm.rtf
Filename: jvQAHnSm.rtf

Issues in Australian Distribution Systems
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This 10-page paper will examine some of the facets of such a system using a literature review as the mechanism, and then draw conclusions as to what shape further research might take. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: HVDistAu.rtf

"Reframing Organizations"
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A 6 page review of three chapters from Lee G. Bolman and Terrance E. Deal's book. This paper reviews Chapters 15, 16, and 17, summarizing the main points and applying them to real life situations presented by the authors. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPbsFram.rtf

"Twelve Angry Men" And "Wall Street": Management Concepts
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5 pages in length. According to industry analysts, there has never been – nor will there ever be – a single, most effective manner by which to manage. Indeed, the vast number of components that comprise the overall aspect of leadership precludes there being an exclusive method for optimal management strategies. The reason for this stems from the fact that companies must be looked upon as individual nations that require specific direction based upon diverse variables. When assessing this notion as it relates to the films "Twelve Angry Men" and "Wall Street," the writer discusses different approaches each movie utilizes to gain much the same outcome. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCwllst.wps

A Business Analysis for the Production of Specialized Vehicle Tires
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A 6 page business analysis of the production capabilities of Pacific Star Corporation. Identifies pertinent operational considerations such as current market costs, expenses, and material prices and statistically analyzes these considerations to provide a recommendation regarding a comprehensive plan for production which can be pursued and managed to obtain the maximum profit margin. No sources are listed.
Filename: PPbsTire.rtf

A Case Study in Event Planning
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This 6 page paper focuses on a birthday party. How party planners operate is the focus of this paper that considers the relevance of key stake holders. The importance of measurement is emphasized in a paper that takes a look at the planning process. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA434ev.rtf

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This 6 page paper discusses the management theories of Peter Drucker and Frederick Taylor, then compares/contrasts the two philosophies. Quotes and examples given from both texts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBsciman.rtf

A Comparison Of Market Strategy, Logistics, Distribution Channels Of Fedex Corporation With Its’ Main Competitors In The US
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This 10 page paper looks at the way Fedex operates and compares the strategy, logistics and distribution of the company to its competitors in order to assess the company and the way it competes. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEFDXUPS.rtf

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