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Papers On Business Ethics
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Issuing a Court Decision on a Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Case By Considering Legal Precedents and Ethics
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A 6 page paper which examines the real-life Meritor v. Vinson sexual harassment case to cast a hypothetical deciding Supreme Court vote to determine who should win; whether harassment can occur if sex was consensual; the responsibility of employers and whether or not they should be liable for episodes for which they have not been notified; discusses if Ms. Vinson was using sex to get ahead, should her supervisor be convicted or be considered the victim; and evaluates the ethical issues from absolutist, relativist, utilitarian and rationalist viewpoints, then concludes with decision and recommended ethical perspective. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TGsexeth.rtf
Joe Camel's® Deleterious Effects
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A 5 page paper arguing that the ongoing Joe Camel cigarette advertising campaign has directly contributed to a significant increase in both the numbers of underage smokers and the rate at which they smoke. As it becomes increasingly difficult for cigarette manufacturers to reach their target adult audiences with this product, several have been accused of directly targeting a market too young too separate advertising sales messages from reality. They have been successful: teen smoking has increased significantly since the 1988 debut of Joe Camel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KsjoeCam.doc
John D. Rockefeller: Robber Baron
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8 pages in length. John D. Rockefeller's mission was clear: to be the best at whatever direction he took, and to work, save and acquire massive amounts of money with every fiber of his being. That is just what he did, claim Ralph and Muriel Hidy, and America cannot deny that JD Rockefeller was one of the most influential industrial geniuses in the country's history. Few people have questioned the integrity of his personal life, yet many – like Matthew Josephson – continue to do so regarding the way he went about cultivating his affluent professional life. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCJDRck.rtf
Joint Ventures and Ethics:
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This 5 page paper discusses a hypothetical scenario where a U.S. company enters into a joint venture with Nigeria, which has considerably different ethics. This paper then explores related issues such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act which codifies particular ethical business practices. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: GSJntven.rtf
Joseph Heller’s “Good as Gold” in Relation to Business and Political and Historical Issues
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This is a 3 page paper discussing business, political, historical and cultural aspects of Joseph Heller’s novel “Good as Gold”. American writer Joseph Heller (1923-1999) is probably best known for his anti-war novel “Catch-22” written in 1961. Born of poor Jewish parents however, Heller often reflected on his cultural heritage and its place in modern American society especially in the novel “Good as Gold” written in 1979. The protagonist, English professor Bruce Gold “tries to regain the Jewishness he has lost” throughout his involvement with presidential public relations (Books, 2000). Heller, through the use of puns and verbal games which are considered suitable for the Washington environment, manages to incorporate not only an interesting storyline for Gold but also interesting and significant business, historical and cultural references for his readers.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJGoodG1.rtf
Kantian Ethics in Military Duty
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A 3 page paper evaluating the ethics of a blatant case of military fraternization and favoritism, discussed from the perspective of Kant’s philosophy. The paper urges the individual caught in the middle to exercise Kant’s categorical imperative. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSethicsKantCorporal.rtf
Key Ethical Issues in Marital and Family Therapy
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8 pages in
length. In defining the role that ethics plays in family and
marital psychotherapy, one must view the psychoanalysis program
as a whole in order to determine what should and should not be
expected of a counselor. Maintaining an impeccable ethical
standard is of the utmost importance in the family and marital
counselor's role. The problem in not maintaining a high standard
of ethics lies not only in the fact a counselor might lose one's
license, but the fact that unethical treatment could do
irreparable damage to the client as well. For this reason this
paper will consider what the three key ethical problems might be
that are specific to the practice of marital and family therapy.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAmrrge.wps
Kickback Ethics
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5 pages in length. Sometimes, the boundaries between 'ethical' and 'legal' are totally clear. Other times, however, the distinction is not so easy to make. With the full roles of the US Justice Department, it is unlikely that America will soon dilute the legal stand against kickbacks. Recent measures by French courts have basically removed all of the teeth from any regulatory prohibitions of kickbacks already in place, causing observers to conclude that 'the courts have done the dirty work of the politicians.' Bibliography lists seven sources.
Filename: Kickback.doc
Land Ethics in the New Business Perspective
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A 5 page outline of one corporate manager's views of the new business perspective emerging in management philosophy which recognizes the importance of social contract for the greater good of society. Emphasizes the importance of managing corporate lands for public use and ecological integrity as well as for company profitability. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPLndEth.wps
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This 8 page paper discusses leadership and ethics in corporate America. Examples given, literature reveiwed, abstract provided. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: MBethlead.rtf
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