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Papers On Business Ethics
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Greenwashing and Apple Computers
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This 8 page paper examines Apple and suggests that it may be greenwashing. A look at its environmental policy and contributions over the years is used to argue the point. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA450App.rtf
Groupisms in Today's Workplace
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An 11 page paper which discusses different
groupisms in the workplace and illustrates how prejudice and discrimination, against many
different types or groups of people, leads to equal opportunity for all, in relationship to the
workplace. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: RAgroupism.wps
Highest Price: American Pharmaceuticals
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This paper explores the pros and cons of the high cost of pharmaceuticals in the United States and supports an argument that it is unfair, despite drug company's policies being based on sound economic principals. Statistics are provided on current and future expected costs. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvHiPhar.rtf
Filename: jvHiPhar.rtf
History and Development of International
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(5 pp) The history of international communication
is as varied as the development of the nations
themselves. The speed of development of all
communications is linked to the economic progress
of that nation. Where once the stories or the
information seemed related to the community, then
the state, and the nation, now, that same
information can be transmitted with electronic
speed to almost any where in the world. Yet are
we all getting the same news? This discussion
will examine the possibility and subsequent
history that will put a different slant on the
"spin" of international communications.
Bibliography lists 3 sources)
Filename: BBprcomm.doc
History of "Living Wage" Movement
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A 6 page research paper that investigates the history of the "living wage" movement. The writer presents the arguments, both pro and con, and concludes that the pro argument is the most valid. Additionally, the history of the current movement is given and related to the more extensive history of the minimum wage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khlivwag.wps
Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals Inc and RU 486
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This 8 page paper examines the difficulties that Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals Inc faced when considering whether to introduce the contraceptive/abortion drug RU 486, also known as also known as mifepristone, into the United States. The paper looks at the issues to be considered in adding this to the existing product line. Factors included in the paper are ethical issues and moral responsibilities, commercial pressures, stakeholder approach and different ethical theories that may aid in the decision making process. The paper uses a source supplied by the student as the reference. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEru4861.rtf
How Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Has Been Interpreted By The Retail Sector
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This 6 page paper examines how corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been interpreted by the retail sector by looking at the development and emergence of practices that are in line with CSR in the UK retail industry. The paper uses the examples of Anita Roddick's Body Shop and the supermarket chain Tesco. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEethicstes.rtf
How Enron Could Have Been Saved
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This 6 page paper examines the Enron debacle and how the company could have been saved. The roles of key players like Lay and Fastow are examined. Recommendations are made. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA410ENR.rtf
HRM at RJR Tobacco
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A 10 page paper discussing the effectiveness of RJR's human resources management. RJR Tobacco is not one of those companies with a marginal HR function. Rather, the HR group is dynamic and committed to the future. Training is one of their primary responsibilities, as is being involved with the business's strategy for both long- and short term. The company's future surely is uncertain, but HR continues to work for the company as though every day is normal. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: KSRJR-HR.doc
Human Resource Professionals And Ethics
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An 18 page research paper. The topic of ethics has become increasingly more important over the last twenty years. In this essay, the writer discusses specific principles of ethics related to the human resource development professional. Some of the topics covered include competence, responsibility, respect for others, and research, among others. The Standards of Ethics and Integrity adopted by the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) in 1999 is used as a reference point. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGhrdeth.wps
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