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Papers On Business Ethics
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Case Study: Tyson Foods
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8 pages in length. The moral dilemma in this particular text addresses the issue of business ethics and integrity. Is it wrong to receive special treatment when it is nothing more veiled bribery? From an outsider's point of view, Tyson Foods was attempting to cover up issues the company
did not want brought into the public eye, and Espy was more than willing to accommodate their compromised position. Determining what constitutes values is the fundamental purpose of corporate social responsibility. Given the fact that all of humanity must coexist on the same planet, there has to be a modicum of consideration with regard to business values. If not, then there would be no sense of tolerance or respect for individual life. People have to abide by an ethical code as a means by which to ensure proper behavior among the world’s population. According to Tyson and Espy's
behavior, however, one must question who is to determine just what this corporate ethical code will represent, and who is to say that all commerce must follow it? The writer discusses that defining ethics is to define man’s proper values and interests, a concept that must exist within the
framework of all business infrastructures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCtyson.wps
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This 6-page paper focuses on the issue of CEOs/Board of Directors and whether they should take personal liability for the products their companies manufacture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTceolia.rtf
Change Of Business Ethics In America In The Last Five Years
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35 pages in length. Having too much is still not enough in today's capitalistic American society where greed is the watchword and ethics have lost any place in a civilized culture. Gordon Gekko, the ruthless, antagonizing business mogul in Hollywood's interpretation of "Wall Street," represents the epitome of complete disregard for contemporary corporate ethics. His callous approach to business precludes any ability to see beyond his overwhelming greed; as such, he instills within his underlings this same malevolence, a premise one might readily argue quite clearly mirrors the growing trend of unethical practices in corporate America over the past five years. The writer discusses Enron and WorldCom as examples of corporate ethics decline. Bibliography lists 32 sources.
Filename: TLCChngB.rtf
Changing Corporate Culture
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This 3 page paper examines how change is sometimes made in the organizational setting. Ethics are considered and an example is used to illustrate how problems might occur during a transition. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA409cc.rtf
Child Labor in Asia
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A 10 page overview of child labor practices in Asia. Statistics reveal not only a heavy reliance on child labor, the highest in the world in fact in terms of the actual number of children employed, but also an encouragement of such factors by a western market for mass produced goods. Focusing primarily on China, the author examines the practice of child labor from the standpoint of human rights in general and how economic and historical factors have impacted these rights. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPchdLb2.rtf
Choosing Between Two Good Decisions
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This 9 page paper considers an ethical problem where a business has to decide between two good decisions. They can spend all the money on safety equipment within a company or can split the money between safety equipment and a charity. The paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action by looking at this from an ethical perspective. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEbusethdec.rtf
Christian Ethics in Business
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This 3 page paper talks about employing biblical teachings in business practice. Burkett's Business By the Book is used as a resource. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA411BBB.rtf
Coca Cola And The Environment
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6 pages in length. The Coca Cola company is as committed to upholding its self-imposed position of environmental stewardship as it is in manufacturing one of the most popular soft drinks in the industry. That it has drawn up supplier guidelines in order to address this very aspect of its business relationships speaks to the company's unyielding dedication to maintaining a company whose vision is broad enough to incorporate the humane treatment of its surrounding environment. Indeed, Coca Cola prides itself on being an integral component of the bigger picture when it comes to the often difficult task of being successful while also being environmentally conscious and taking responsibility for its actions, a set of requirements the company makes not only for itself but also for its suppliers and contractors. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCCCola.rtf
Code Of Conduct, Ethics Code And Progressive Discipline
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This 4 page paper responds to five questions: Can a code of conduct be an ethics code if it only restates legal requirements? Provide an example of an ethics code that goes beyond the law. What are some of the best practices for promoting an ethics code? Identify five employee behaviors that are less justifiable grounds for termination. Provide an example of a progressive discipline process. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGeth2j.rtf
Cognitive Dissonance And Environmental Ethics
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5 pages in length. People often need a reason to abide by a less popular theory, given the fact that human beings place a great deal of stock into the concept of consistency; when attitudes or beliefs do not conform to the accepted standard, one might begin to feel out of place. Such is the case with cognitive dissonance theory, a psychological approach that contends "there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions" (Cognitive Dissonance #2). Applying this particular theory to the encouragement of environmental ethics within big business, one can readily surmise that the only way in which to offset the common practice of spewing pollutants is to: reduce the importance of the dissonant beliefs; add more consonant beliefs that outweigh the dissonant beliefs; or change the dissonant beliefs so that they are no longer inconsistent. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCCogDs.rtf
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