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Papers On Business Ethics
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Creating Value
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Many factors influence a business, some of these are within the control of the firm, whilst others are external. However, they can all be sources that can add value to a company. This 12 page paper will show how many factors, which are often seen as costly, may add value to a company. These include globalisation, new product development, managing knowledge and principled corporate governance may all add value to a company, despite the perception of the cost that these may incur. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
Filename: TEvaluecr.rtf
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10 pages. This paper identifies issues related to crisis communication in the workplace. The case study is focused on a soft drink manufacturer that found several cases of tampering with its product. How the company handled this emergency and what actions were taken and not taken show us a lot about whether a company cares more about the customer or their own bottom line. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: JAcrisis.rtf
Cultural Diversity in Organizations
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A 10 page paper which discusses the first 10
chapters of "Cultural Diversity in Organizations: Theory, Research and Practice" by
Taylor Cox. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAtaylrcox.wps
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics
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This 6 page paper discusses the way in which personal, cultural and organizational values impact the decision making process; it also discusses ethical dilemmas that can result from conflicts within organizations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: HVValEth.rtf
Dasani Bottled Water
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A 4 page paper. In March 2004, Coca-Cola's Dasani bottled water came under attack twice in the United Kingdom. This essay explains the charges that brought Coke to recall 500,00 bottles of water and to delay the launch of this water in two other European countries. The essay reports the response from Coca-Cola. The writer then reminds the reader of the Tylenol fiasco and comments on the differences in the responses from these two corporations. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGdasan.rtf
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This 5 page paper outlines an ethical dilemma in the workplace. Specific procedures are given in which a person may try to resolve any problems. One case study involved(fictional), which include examples of each procedure. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBdilemma.rtf
Descriptive And Analytical Ethics
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This 6 page paper begins by describing and defining descriptive ethics, normative ethics and analytical ethics. Analytical ethics is also called meta-ethics and critical ethics. It is referred to as meta-ethics because it analyzed and examines normative ethics and moral terminology. The writer is asked to apply these ethics to management and explains that the three are inter-related and may, in some cases, represent a sequential study but that descriptive ethics is more in the social science domain than in the philosophy domain. Application is illustrated through two actual examples of companies who responded vastly differently when the company was threatened. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGdseth.rtf
Differing Attitudes Toward Nature: The Impact Upon Ideas Of Control And Power To Specific Countries And Business Organizations
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11 pages in length. Differing attitudes toward the concept of nature significantly impact upon ideas of control and power as they relate to specific countries and business organizations, inasmuch as there is no way to escape the influence that nature has upon virtually every aspect of life. Typically, cultural elements represent the primary differences that exist between and among various countries and business organizations for the reason that culture stands as the dictating force behind issues associated with nature. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCnatur.wps
Differing Levels of Accountability and Responsibility For Individual Professions
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An 8 page discussion of the observation that liability one faces for their actions often varies according to the particulars of the situation. Society holds some individuals and professions to higher standards of legal accountability and responsibility than we do other individuals and professions. This variance is justified by the potential impact an action can have. When a reporter makes a mistake in a magazine article, for example, you can run a correction but when a health care worker makes a mistake someone’s life might hang in the balance. Differing levels of accountability are thus justified by the particulars of a situation. The author provides additional examples of corporate responsibility to illustrate the differences in compliance-based verses value-based approach to accountability. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPliabil.rtf
Diversity in the Workplace: Case Issue:
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This 5 page paper examines the issue of diversity in the workplace by presenting a specific example of a 60 year old man who doesn't like to use computers, but needs to for his position. This paper is a discussion of the issues which surround this problem and the legalities involved. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: GSDivers.rtf
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