Papers On Business Ethics
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Anti-Poverty Programs
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This 3 page paper discusses three "anti-poverty" programs as outlined by Karger; they are unsecured credit cards, rent-to-own companies, and payday loans. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: HVAntPov.rtf
Approaches to Environmental Strategy
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This 9 page paper analyses the differences approaches to environmental strategy that may be adopted by companies. The paper looks at different models, from total environmental commitment to the view of environmentalism as an unimportant aspect of strategy. The way in which the models may be applied is illustrated with real examples. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEenvstrat.rtf
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This paper discusses whether businesses can successfully sustain ethical behavior and morals while earning a profit. The paper demonstrates examples of businesses that have behaved unethically, and attempts to define how a business should examine ethical behavior.
Filename: MTbuseth.rtf
Art of War applied to Business
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A 7 page research paper that posits that Sun-tzu's The Art of War contains principles that can guide modern business in today's competitive market. The writer defends this thesis and expands on it, arguing that Sun-tzu's principles of war can provide a framework for cooperation leading to prosperity for all stakeholders. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khsuntzu.wps
Assessing the Effects of Increased Corporate Governance
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A 21 page revision of a 15-page proposal of the same name. This version includes a discussion of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as well as an appendix listing 21 proposed survey questions and rationale for including them. Bibliography lists 32 sources.
Filename: KSacctCorpGov2.rtf
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This 5 page paper discusses AT&T, the largest telecommunications company in the United States. Selected financial data are provided for three years, then a SWOT, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, analysis is offered. Two tables are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGatt2.rtf
Attack of the LOVE Virus
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Personal essay on the experience of being attacked by the LOVE virus in 2000 (by an irate ex-employee for the company worked for). Subject covers the story, the affects of this virus on computers, LANs, and customers. Also covered is recommendations to prevent in future through software applications and settings in Windows and UNIX. No sources. jvVirEsy.rtf
Filename: jvVirEsy.rtf
Auditing a Safety Management System Function
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This 14 page
report discusses auditing a company's safety program that is
primarily designed to assure that there is reduced worker
injuries and specifically examining the communication component
involved in the system. All too often, safety management programs
and systems are ignored or inefficiently instituted and
consequently have little impact on loss costs. That
ineffectiveness can often be directly related to how the
communication process was applied in the system. Bibliography
lists 14 sources.
Filename: BWohsms.wps
Australian Effects of the Collapse of HIH Insurance Ltd.
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A 4 page paper discussing management’s deficiencies and the costs to small business in Australian resulting from the collapse of HIH Insurance. Executives in companies such as these appear to share several common characteristics, among them loss of sight of their responsibilities to customers, shareholders and employees. In the case of HIH Insurance, the company’s collapse adversely affected far more than only those directly associated with the company. Bibliography lists - sources.
Filename: KSmgmtHIHaus.rtf
Aviation Crisis: Ethical Implications
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10 pages in length. The concept of a rational society – in which the entire community is greatly influenced by the principles to which its members adhere both individually and collectively – has indeed proven to be one of the most powerful standards of civilized culture. When something goes awry, deviating from how that member of society has been represented, it becomes critically important to evaluate all elements of an ethical and socially responsible level so as to mitigate the extent to which stakeholders are detrimentally impacted. Such is the case for Australia's Ansett Airlines, which has experienced two significant blows to its company solvency since last year. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCAvCrs.rtf
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