Papers On Business Ethics
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Kant’s Categorical Imperative and the Case of the Ford Pinto
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10 pages in length. 10 pages in length. Compares the Categorical Imperative of Kant to the case of the faulty gas-tank design in the Ford Motor Company Pinto. Makes reference to utilitarianism as well as the virtue theory and the rights theory. Looks at the ethics, the solution, cost-benefit analysis and alternative solutions. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: JGApinto.wps
Options Trading / Opportunities And Strategies
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A 20 page paper discussing and explaining aspects of options trading. Strategies discussed include: put options, call options, straddles, strangles, covered call writing, naked trading, debit and credit spreads and index options. Also discussed are: strike and premium prices, option pricing, option prices vs. stock prices, intrinsic value and time value of stock options. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Filename: PGoptions.wps
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This 5-page paper examines a hypothetical problem faced by a business owner who has been asked by one of her clients to accommodate her disabilities. The paper, which touches on corporate responsibility to the community, outlines the pros and cons of such accommodations, while discussing issues such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. The paper concludes with suggestions on how the business owner should handle this request. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTbusres.rtf
Ben & Jerry's; Levi Strauss; Johnson & Johnson
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This 22 page paper is about social responsibility and how these three companies exemplify this. An introduction discusses social responsibility in general. Then, each of the three companies is explored in terms of their written statements and actions taken to fulfill the company's goals towards social responsibility. Each company also faced a specific crisis, at which time, they could live by their published principles or not. They each did. Johnson & Johnson faced the fact that their Tylenol containers had been tampered with resulting in the deaths of eight people. Levi Strauss learned through a media report that one of their contractors was violating human rights with employees. Ben & Jerry's faced an incident involving the rainforest. The writer describes what they did in each case and what the outcome was. Bibliography lists 26 sources.
Filename: PGsocre.rtf
Business Ethics / Nestle's Baby Formula Case
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An 8 page research paper investigating the ethics of Nestle's practice of giving free samples of infant formula to new mothers in third world countries. The act is considered in light of utilitarianism as espoused by John Stuart Mill and Immanual Kant. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Nestles.wps
Occupational Health and Safety Training: Implications in the Modern
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A 15 page discussion of the importance of well-focused health
and safety training programs in the workplace. The author contends that
the ever-changing workplace, particularly the evolution toward a more
and more high tech environment, make such training even more imperative
than it has been in the past. A number of training considerations are
explored, particularly the potential shortcoming inherent in a sole
reliance on more experienced employees to train the new. The author
emphasizes that training is an ever evolving arena and that simple head
counts to see who has been trained and who has not is an ineffective and
potentially dangerous approach. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PPtrainS.rtf
Product Recalls – Ethical and Legal Issues
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This 4 page report discusses issues associated with product recall and the manufacturer’s liabilities and obligations to inform consumers as well as remedy the problem. Several circumstances are outlined in which this usually complicated legal issue may be examined in terms of production and marketing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWcall.rtf
Employment Opportunities in Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
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A 5
page overview of the numerous factors which affect employment in the
aviation industry, particularly in airframe and powerplant mechanics.
The author of this paper emphasizes that while one might only be
concerned about jobs in a particular geographic region such as Memphis
Tennessee, jobs in that region are affected by economic fluctuations
throughout the industry. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPairJob.rtf
Burton Kaplan/ Winning People Over
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A 7 page analysis of Kaplan's book in which the writer argues that this is a well-written blueprint for improving business relationships. In this book, Kaplan lays out a detailed and comprehensive plan that demonstrates how an individual can get control over not only their business life, but their personal and social life as well. Kaplan is a well-known business consultant, so, in essence, this book allows the ordinary citizen to access the expertise that business officials have paid thousands of dollars to obtain. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 90kaplan.rtf
Business Ethics and Physician Assisted Suicide
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A 5 page overview of business ethics and how they relate to the health care environment in general and the concept of physician assisted suicide in particular. Identifies the doctrine of double effect as a means of partially resolving these issues at least on an ethical basis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPeuthen.wps
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