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Papers On Business - Management
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This 25-page paper is a destination location analysis of Cancun, in Mexico. The paper includes a detailed analysis of existing structures and facilities, as well as assets available for development. The paper also touches on the liabilities of the region. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MTcancun.rtf
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This 7-page paper is an analysis of Canon, Inc. (as it pertains to copiers) and its competitive advantage. The paper includes a brief history, a competitive analysis of the market, and recommendations. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTcancap.rtf
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This 5-page paper is a marketing mix paper concerning Canon, and its copiers. The paper discusses the "4Ps" of Canon's marketing strategies and determines their effectiveness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTcanmar.rtf
Canova's "Pauline" In Alitalia Advertisements
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A 4 page paper discussing a single print ad for AlItalia, featuring Antonio Canova's "Pauline Borghese as Venus Victrix" quite comfortably reclined in the seat of an airplane luxury first class airplane. The paper discusses the blend of old and new, and the illusion of quality and luxury stemming from the images of the ad. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Alitalia.wps
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This 3 page paper discusses the insidious nature of advertising in America. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: MBkilborne.rtf
Capital Asset Pricing Model and Weighted Average Costs of Capital
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A 5 page paper comparing the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). There are other methods of determining best placement of capital for investment purposes. Though the CAPM has been widely used, its description and popularity arose at a time while globalization was gathering momentum but before it became the business word of the 1990s. In today's economic climate, it appears to be less reliable than in the past, and less reliable than other methods available. WACC provides better means for assessing relative risk of investment. Bibliography lists 7 sources. KS-CAPM.doc
Filename: KS-CAPM.doc
Capital Structure Analysis, Valuation and Investment Report for Southwest Airlines
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A 9 page paper discussing Southwest’s history, corporate culture, capital structure, management and financial results for the purpose of performing investment analysis. Still boasting that it has had 54 consecutive profitable quarters, Southwest would have lost money in 1Q2003 and 1Q2004 without its successful fuel-hedging activities. It still clings to the never-a-losing-quarter mantra, and it leads its industry in market capitalization. Southwest is among the most fiscally conservative of all the commercial passenger airlines, despite its active fuel-hedging activities. Hedging generally is not looked on as a conservative measure, but compared to the wild swings and increases in fuel costs, hedging is more conservative in today’s climate than is not hedging. The investor determined to own a transportation stock - and specifically an aviation stock – absolutely should consider Southwest Airlines. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSfinSouthwest.rtf
Capital Structure at Coca-Cola
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A 9 page paper using Coca-Cola’s annual report for 2004 to examine a long-term financing decision and assess it in terms of the economic, business and competitive environments at the time it was made. The paper also discusses the company’s risk management policies and proposes Cott, the leading supplier of private-label soft drinks, as a possible acquisition target for Coca-Cola. The theme of the paper is valuation analysis; it provides instruction for assessing conditions according to the Modigliani-Miller and Black-Scholes models but does not provide those calculations. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSfinCokeCapStruc.rtf
Capital Structure, Principal-Agent Theory, Dividend Policy
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This 9 page report includes three separate discussions of: capital structure theory, especially as presented in the theories of Modigliani and Miller; the principal agent theory and an examination of the shareholder wealth maximization hypothesis; and, dividend policy theory, especially as related to Modligani and Miller's theory of the irrelevance of capital structure. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWcpd.wps
Capone's Bar
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A 10 page paper discussing implementing a Total Quality Management (TQM)
approach to enhancing business results at a local bar. Capone's Bar is a nightspot in a popular
tourist destination on Cyprus. It has had difficulty in its short history but currently is operating
profitably. It seeks to continue to attract a solid local following to even out the seasonal nature of
its business, and it seeks to take steps to become an employer of choice in the local area. The
paper recommends that Capone's management survey existing workers to determine their needs,
and then take steps to meet those needs where they do not impair Capone's operations. The
purpose is to become the employer for which everyone wants to work, enabling Capone's to have
its choice of the best employees in the area. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KScaponesBar.wps
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