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Papers On Business - Management
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Africa and International Systems;
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This 24 page paper considers the international relations and trading position of Africa with its unique problems and developments and the way that these are manifesting themselves political as well as economically in both the domestic policies as well as international relations. The paper includes consideration of the economic, political and social problems and uses country case studies of Kenya and Zimbabwe to illustrate many of the points raised. The bibliography cites 19 sources
Filename: TEafrica.wps
After World War II
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5 pages. Since the end of World War II there have been many changes within the business environment, the structure of our society and the ways industry deals with their employees. There have been changes with the family unit, the educational institutions and the work environment as well. Changes in corporate structure and downsizing are more prevalent and much work is being moved out of the country. Many of these changes have affected the people within the organization and the human resource profession and will continue to do so. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JAhrwwii.rtf
Against Globalization
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A 7 page paper that first defines globalization and then discusses opposition to globalization. There is a large and diverse group of individuals and organizations that strongly oppose globalization on a number of grounds, one of which is the destruction of the environment. This is the objection that involves the IMF and World Bank directly. The points against globalization are outlined and discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGantigl.rtf
Age Discrimination
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5 pages in length. Age discrimination has become more than a minor inconvenience throughout the twentieth century; indeed, the issue has become such a hot potato within the workplace that laws have been forced into existence as a means by which to address the problem. In order to help protect those who stand to be singled out and let go because of the unfairness of ageism, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was designed with the older employee in mind. The issue at hand is that companies are not willing to look beyond their aging workforce, choosing instead to push them out of the technological loop rather than attempting to incorporate them as valuable assets. The writer discusses the ADEA's influence upon age discrimination in the workplace. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCdiscr.wps
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This 8-page paper outlines concepts of age discrimination through a fictitious case study of YooHoo and a long-time employee, Mary (age 57) who was laid off. Included are potential letters from Mary to her former employer, the employer's response, and a due dilligence checklist. Bibliography lists 4 sources
Filename: MTagedis.rtf
Age Discrimination in the Workplace
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A 3 page observation on the occurrence of age discrimination in the workplace. Notes that the fact that a substantial percentage of Americans now comprise the older age categories coupled with better health care and relatively longer healthier lives translates into a greater possibility that more and more individuals will be subjected to age discrimination. Discusses the types of age discrimination and observes that a changing legal arena offers hope for the alleviation of this practice. Bibliography lists 3
Filename: PPageDsc.wps
Age Discrimination/Ethics
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A 5 page research paper that examines the ageism from an ethical standpoint. The writer looks at the prevalence of age discrimination in business practice. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khageism.rtf
AIDS in the Workplace: Policy and Ethics
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An 8 page paper addressing
organizational AIDS policy. AIDS continues to increase in the numbers of people infected
with the HIV virus, and its action is so closely aligned with that of cancer that the two often
are combined in research efforts. It still is warily viewed by many, however. Organizational
policy is more closely guided by law, for AIDS comes under the protection of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Even so, formulation and implementation of policy
still gives rise to questions of ethics. The paper includes a view of liberal philosophy as
promoted by Rawls and Mill, concluding that policy should be weighted to favor the
afflicted individual but also considering the needs of the organization within the law.
Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KS-AIDSethics.wps
Air Canada
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This 5 page paper presents an overview of the company as it stands now inclusive of its financial position and marketing plans. The merger with Canadian Airlines is discussed. Competitive factors are assessed and recommendations made. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA030Air.rtf
Airbus and Boeing
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This 9 page paper in written in three parts. The first part looks at the problems and challenges faced by Airbus in the early years and how they were overcome. This section makes use of McKinsey's 7 S's model and a SWOT analysis. The second part of the paper considers the industry that Boeing and Airbus work in, using Porters Five Forces model and a PEST analysis. The last part of the paper considers the future fort the companies and how they need to adapt and change. This section uses a PEST analysis and identify key factors for success and driving forces. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEairbus.rtf
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