Papers On Business - Management
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In 5 pages the author discusses the Y2K Millenium Bug, which affects computers everywhere. The year 2000 Millenium Bug is a big problem. Why? Because everyone's lives are intertwined with computers and computer usage. A person goes to the grocery store and the scanner is automated. Computers are built in to the cash registers. A person gets his or her phone or electric bill. Those bills are computerized. Automobiles are computerized. Large corporations and small businesses alike depend on computers for their daily functioning. Many items contain computer chips, which people don't even think of as computerized. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Bugmill.wps
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A 6 page paper which addresses many of the concerns associated with the year 2000. The change that occurs in computers, when the end of this year brings a new millenium, is expected to cause disturbances. Some believe these disturbances will be ever so slight, while others predict a great deal of chaos in our society, as a direct result of failed computer systems all over the country. Different opinions and theories are discussed in addition to the many possibilities that may exist. Despite preventive measures, aimed at preventing serious chaos, only time will tell if any intervention will prove successful. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAy2k.wps
Y2K / Aviation Management & the Y2K Issue / The FAA and The Economic Impact
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The Y2K problem has had widespread attention in business journals and the news media, but little has been said about the specific impacts for particular industries. Though speculators have asserted that the Y2K problem could have widespread impacts for transportation, especially in the aviation industry, arguments that these speculations are the perceptions of alarmists and don't actually represent the scope of the issue has resulted in ineffectual or limited responses by financial managers in major airlines and aviation companies across the nation. This 25 page paper reflects the nature of this problem, provides a review of the current literature, and argues for the most successful plans to address this problem, especially for financial managers in the aviation industry. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: Aviaman.wps
Y2K / Can The Y2K Problem Be Solved In Time?
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10 pages in length. Time has run out. No longer can the world sit idly by in a false sense of security believing that the Y2K problem will be solved prior to reaching midnight on January 1, 2000. Despite intensive displays of technical modification, it can be argued that mankind waited just a bit too long before he truly realized the ramifications of not paying closer attention to the Year 2000 bug. Now that the new millennium is merely months away, the writer discusses the last ditch effort being made on behalf of all the computer systems still out there in circulation that have not been made Year 2000 compliant -- and how many of those are systems that control the very commodities people need to exist. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCY2K.wps
Y2K / Managing In The Year 2000 & Beyond
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This 9 page paper investigates aspects of management in the 21st century. The writer begins by briefly explaining the very first challenge managers the world over will face - the Y2K problem and then discusses different issues of diversity that will be prevalent, general trends in the workplace and management and finally offers specific trends in purchasing and supply management. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Year2000.rtf
Y2K / Problem Resolved by Supply & Demand
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An 8 page research paper that looks at 3 economic views—laize faire, Keynesian, and supply and demand—and determines that from the evidence, the Year 2000 computer problem is and will continue to be resolved by supply and demand. The author looks at the problem in terms of governmental, corporate and small business costs, and determines that while all three economic views are treating the problem, supply and demand has offered the largest pool of solutions to all entities. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: Y2ksuply.rtf
Y2K / Project Management's Role In Averting 'The Millennium Bug'
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50 pages worth of in-depth research. The Millennium Bug is the Year 2000 glitch in nearly all large computer systems currently in operation. As a model of total logic, those computer systems that use only the last two digits of the year in their date fields will not be able to place '00' following '99' at the turn of the century when 1999 ends and the year 2000 begins. Though massive programming and testing efforts are underway worldwide, there are still some who refuse to believe that the glitch will present any real problem. The US government expects to spend nearly $2.3 billion on rectifying the problem within governmental systems; cost estimate to the private sector is between $300 billion and $600 billion before January 1, 2000. Bibliography lists 32 sources.
Filename: Projmana.wps
Y2K / Researching Year 2000 Preparedness
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A 5 page paper discussing a proposal for addressing a variety of issues within the banking industry relating to readiness for the turn of the century. Consensus is that 1999 is far too late to begin any programming alterations. Possible hypotheses address issues of vendor compliance; Year 2000 software to prevent adulteration of data; considering typewriters and manual systems; the possible value of third-party testing; and evaluation of legal departments' preparedness for any litigation resulting in issues arising beyond January 1, 2000. Bibliography lists 10 sources. KSY2K-2.wps
Filename: KSY2K-2.wps
Y2K / The Millennium Bug's Most Obvious Effects
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An 8 page paper discussing the average person's perception of the effects of the Year 2000 computer date problem. Though the problem can be postponed for 50 years with relative ease for most applications, it still remains likely that there will be short-term problems for the individual associated with the turn of the century. Some appliances may not work or not work properly; computer-controlled building maintenance systems may require manual overrides in order to be heated or to have functional elevators; small banks may find data either corrupted or completely gone; grocery stores may temporarily revert to individual pricing and may need to resort to calculators, rather than cash registers, at the checkout. There is no doubt that it will be a nightmare for those businesses and government agencies unprepared for it, but the individual should be affected to a much lesser degree. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Millbug.wps
Y2K / The Y2K Crisis
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This 5 page paper discusses the year 2000 computer crisis. The problem as already resulted in computer shut-downs when merchants attempt to scan a credit card with an expiry date of 2000 or beyond. The problem is real and can result in possible mayhem. Why it is a problem and the possible repercussions are discussed from economical, safety, and everyday life perspectives. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Y2Kmore.rtf
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