Papers On Business - Management
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Analysis of a Software Advertisement
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A complete, 9 page analysis of a print magazine advertisements designed to sell Microsoft Office -- a popular PC/Windows software package. The writer examines that ad's target market, cultural message(s), use of reference groups, psychological screens, and more. The original advertisement is not included. No Bibliography.
Filename: Microoff.wps
Assessing The Inner Operation Of Mercury Web & Graphic Designs
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6 pages in length. The Mercury Web & Graphic Designs Company is a firm that is in the business of enhancing the business lives of their clients. Because of their expertise, customers are able to design specific components that address their enterprising needs. The company has been quite successful throughout the last several years, demonstrating ever-growing profits with each passing quarter. However, it has come to the owner's attention that production on all levels has begun to slip considerably with regard to overall employee morale; as a direct result, revenue has shown a significant decline within a very brief period. The writer analyzes the situation with the help of an employee survey/interview, as well as suggests improvements to rectify the situation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCgraph.wps
Case Study: Proposal on Software Development
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15 pages in length. This is a proposal for a travel agency to develop software for the company. Includes Data flow, Gantt Chart, Pert/CPM Chart information, as well as input and output specification. Gives estimated time and cost factor and concludes with options and recommendations. This is an excellent paper with research information that can be applied to any company.
Filename: JGAplane.rtf
Enterprise Resource Planning Software
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This 12 page paper puts us in the position of marketing a new business to business web-based enterprise resource planning software package. The characteristics of such a package are discussed as well as who needs it, how to market to the target audience and what exactly ERP is. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: JGAcmsft.wps
GAAP Standardizes Software Expenses
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A 6 page paper that discusses the American Institute Certified Public Accountants' SOP 98-1. Two issues are discussed: standardizing recording of software expenses and standardizing accounting for insurance-related assessments. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGsop98.wps
Managing Software Development Teams
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A 14 page paper discussing a specific company's (MSD, Ltd.) approach to software development in a global setting, followed by detailed discussions of questions such as how organizations can avoid the security risks inherent in centralizing its electronically-stored data; whether effective business strategy is dependent on effective information management strategy; and why any organization would choose to outsource its IT function. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSsoftware.wps
Marketing A New Software Product In Great Britain
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A 5 page marketing plan for the development and marketing of software by a British company. While competition is increasing in all world markets, that in Great Britain is higher than most—many would-be global businesses use Britain as a 'launching pad' for globalization, crowding the local economy with available choices in all market segments. Software companies of non-American origin have had difficulty in gaining market share, but British business is more adept at relationship marketing with British citizens. Use of the Internet is encouraged, as is narrowly targeted print advertising. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Britmark.wps
Money Management Software Advertising Project
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A 5 page paper developing an advertising program for a mid-range financial software package geared to online banking and the needs of the home-based business. Most packages furnished by banks and available for sale are completely adequate for the casual user, but beyond those, there is no mid-rang product available, either in capability or in price. The paper discusses the category, user profile, environmental analysis including the market share of existing products, demographics of the intended market and a short marketing strategy. Bibliography lists 2 sources. Mkt-soft.doc
Filename: Mkt-soft.doc
PowerLeap / Company & Product Overview
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5 pages in length. PowerLeap provides help for those seeking to upgrade their computer systems online. Located at, the company offers a vast array of upgrade options, services and informational fact sheets. In an effort to make one's computer upgrade a relatively hassle-free experience, the site also supports several discussion groups where people find valuable interaction with other consumers with regard to potential problems about upgrading their systems. The writer offers an overview of the company and its products. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Powrleap.wps
Significance of the Software Development Life Cycle at Dupont Yard
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An 8 page research paper that is written in the form of an investigative report into the how a planned software development program for a corporation failed to meet its stated objectives. The writer details what went wrong and gives suggestions that can be implemented to facilitate the software development life cycle in the future. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: 90sftwrd.rtf
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