Papers On Japan & Japanese Issues
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E. Patricia Tsurumi's "Factory Girls" - Social And Historic Conditions Of Women In Japan And The United States
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5 pages in length. A significant component of Japan's industrialization can be traced back to the textile industry of the nineteenth century, whereby Japanese rulers were prepared to do just about anything to stay away from the influence of Western advancement. Utilizing a labor force comprised of mostly the female gender, Tsurumi (1992) illustrates how Meiji's silk and cotton operations set a precedent for an entire industry that ultimately provided Japan with both a tremendous economic boost and a viable way to stave off Western intrusion. By comparison, American women were experiencing much the same gender marginalization in the workplace without benefit of at least some level of social value like their Japanese counterparts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCFactoryGrl.rtf
Early Chinese and Japanese History
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This 5 page paper contemplates several problems in Chinese and Japanese history. Leaders are compared and contrasted. Confucianism is discussed in terms of its impact on a people. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA112cj .wps
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Examining the truth about the Japanese education system, this paper attempts to examine some of the myths that surround such education. Topics discussed include "returnee students," students of parents whose work had caused them to leave Japan on a temporary basis. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTjapedu.rtf
Education Reform in Lithuania, Japan and Canada
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This is a 16 page paper on education reform in Lithuania, Japan and Canada. The paper includes an outline and summary/introduction as well. Within the last decade, the countries of Lithuania, Japan and Canada have seen a great many education reforms. While in some cases, there are similar characteristics and trends in the reforms, in other cases, the reforms are considerably different. Since its independence, Lithuanian education reform has focused a great deal on renewing the curriculum to do away with all of the Soviet ideologies, creating an educational system which is similar and competitive with the European market yet also allow for autonomy of institutions for research and education which they were denied in the Soviet era. Japanese reforms have led to a system where the teachers and students are less reliant on a standard and limited curriculum and instead has recently emphasized less stress within the educational environment, shorter school weeks and hours spent in school and more emphasis on “integrated learning” where students are taught how to learn. Within the last two decades in Canada, education reform has undergone several processes. Some of the earlier processes were similar to those within Lithuania and Japan in regards to an integrated curriculum, however many teachers felt these programs were not well supported or consistent across the territorial and provincial systems. In addition, most education “reforms” in Canada within the last decade have focused more so on cost reduction which has not only removed the teachers from the reform process but has also had little consideration for the impact of significantly reduced spending on the students and learning.
Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: TJedref1.rtf
Effect of Globalization on Employment Relations in Japan
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A 4 page paper discussing the effects that globalization has had on Japan’s labor market. Employment for life is a thing of the past, and pressure from other leading economies has forced structural change in relationships between businesses within the same kiretsu. The paper also discusses job-related migration and the tendency for those transferred from other countries to remain in Japan after their assignments are completed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSlaborJapGlob.rtf
Emergence Of Pleasure Quarters In New Tokyo Architecture
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10 pages in length. Architecture – and its appreciation – is a forever evolving entity. While myriad styles appear original in nature, more often than not they can be traced to influences from other cultures or periods with little more than a facelift attached. The recent influx of Tokyo's pleasure quarters has given way to what might appear to be a fresh approach to Japanese architecture when in reality this throwing-caution-to-the-wind architectural style is wholly influenced by Western culture and Japan's own historical past. Even though the Western vocabulary would not readily embrace pleasure quarters as reflecting anything remotely architectural in nature, the entire artistic movement is both modernistic and well received by contemporary and traditional Japanese alike. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCTokyo.rtf
European And American Cars In Japan
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An 8 page paper. The question posed was how American and European car manufacturers penetrated the Japanese car market. This essay provides the data to demonstrate American and European auto manufacturers have not penetrated the Japanese car market. In fact, all foreign cars put together account for less than 8 percent of all sales. Selected data regarding numbers of cars by country and by company are provided. These data are discussed. The writer also offers some possible reasons from the literature for the dismal performance of American and European cars in the Japanese car market. 2 Tables included. Data included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGjpauto.rtf
Explaining Japan's Success After World War II
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This 6 page paper looks at Japan's economy today as well as prior to World War II. The focus is on the development of the nation's economy after WWII. The paper concludes that the Japanese government made excellent policy decisions, which are responsible for Japan's surprising success. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA148Jap.rtf
Failure Of Reform In Japan Since 1991
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14 pages in length. The extent to which Japan has failed in reforming itself since 1991 is indicative of the contributions of myriad elements, including political, economic, socio-cultural and demographic issues. When one examines these particular concerns as they relate to Japan's inability to exact reform throughout the past decade, it is important to focus upon the key issues that played directly into this failure, such as the quest for liberal democracy and the Asian economic crisis. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCJpRfm.rtf
Fall Of The Tokugawa Bakufu
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24 pages in length. The fall of Tokugawa bakufu, the foundation of more than two hundred and fifty years of peaceful existence, was caused in great part to the detrimental impact of Western Imperialism, which compelled the government to refashion its way of operating to reflect something wholly foreign. The intimidation factor was significant in the ultimate fall, inasmuch as Western influence served as an undeniable threat to their tent government – also known as Shogunate. The self-imposed isolation Japan erected became a bone of tremendous contention in the aftermath of myriad administrative changes enacted by the Tokugawa government. These reforms, which occurred in a number of eras including Kansei and Kyoho, were just as bad as the lackadaisical approach to government discipline that Bunka and Bunsei eras had adopted; by contrast, Edo and other areas experienced a flourishing of local cultures. When the mandate came through from various foreign nations for Japan to do away with its partition policy, the Tokugawa bakufu was wholly incapable of maintaining any sort of trade/negotiation authority, which ultimately negated their prestige. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: TLCTokugawa.rtf
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