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Papers On Japan & Japanese Issues
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Determining the Course of History in 19th Century China & Japan
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A 5 page paper which examines what determined the course of histories in
China and Japan during the 19th century. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TG19chja.wps
Diary of a Japanese Nationalist
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This fictitious, but historically accurate, diary of a Japanese biologist tells of atrocities that happened in the early twentieth century. Some information is included pertaining to religion, schools, customs and family life but the focus is on the inhumane experiments conducted in Japanese ruled Manchuria. Bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: Asiane.rtf
Diplomatic Relations Between China and Japan, 1895 to 1945
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This 5 page paper considers the diplomatic relations between China and Japan between 1895 and 1945, and considers how these two countries came into conflict even though the relations initially were friendly. This paper integrates a view of modernization and the associations in both Japan and China as they defined changing perspectives within each of these two countries. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHJapCh2.rtf
Disjunctive Essay: Love/Hate Relationship with Japan
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This 6 page essay is written in the disjunctive style; it describes a love/hate relationship with Japan.
Filename: HVDisJpn.rtf
Domination of the Traditionalist Right in Japanese Politics
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This 6 page report
discusses the current political environment of Japan and explores the question of whether
or not the “traditionalist” political right is still dominate in Japanese politics. The point is
made that the past ten years have been instrumental in defining the political attitudes and
issues of Japan. The conclusion is made that the traditionalist right is still the dominant
political attitude in the country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWjaprit.rtf
Dower's Embracing Defeat
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This 5 page book report focuses on Embracing Defeat by John Dower. Dower uses personal stories woven into this factual tale. An overview is provided and then, the economy of Japan in the aftermath of World War II is discussed. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA723Jap.rtf
Dragons of the East: Distinctions in Morphology and Function
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A 10 page overview of dragons. The author distinguishes between Eastern and Western dragons noting that while in the West dragons are typically regarded as evil and something to be eradicated, Eastern dragons are most often revered. Morphology and function differs radically, however, even among eastern dragons. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPdragon.rtf
Early Chinese and Japanese History
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This 5 page paper contemplates several problems in Chinese and Japanese history. Leaders are compared and contrasted. Confucianism is discussed in terms of its impact on a people. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA112cj .wps
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Examining the truth about the Japanese education system, this paper attempts to examine some of the myths that surround such education. Topics discussed include "returnee students," students of parents whose work had caused them to leave Japan on a temporary basis. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTjapedu.rtf
Education Reform in Lithuania, Japan and Canada
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This is a 16 page paper on education reform in Lithuania, Japan and Canada. The paper includes an outline and summary/introduction as well. Within the last decade, the countries of Lithuania, Japan and Canada have seen a great many education reforms. While in some cases, there are similar characteristics and trends in the reforms, in other cases, the reforms are considerably different. Since its independence, Lithuanian education reform has focused a great deal on renewing the curriculum to do away with all of the Soviet ideologies, creating an educational system which is similar and competitive with the European market yet also allow for autonomy of institutions for research and education which they were denied in the Soviet era. Japanese reforms have led to a system where the teachers and students are less reliant on a standard and limited curriculum and instead has recently emphasized less stress within the educational environment, shorter school weeks and hours spent in school and more emphasis on “integrated learning” where students are taught how to learn. Within the last two decades in Canada, education reform has undergone several processes. Some of the earlier processes were similar to those within Lithuania and Japan in regards to an integrated curriculum, however many teachers felt these programs were not well supported or consistent across the territorial and provincial systems. In addition, most education “reforms” in Canada within the last decade have focused more so on cost reduction which has not only removed the teachers from the reform process but has also had little consideration for the impact of significantly reduced spending on the students and learning.
Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: TJedref1.rtf
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