Papers On Japan & Japanese Issues
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"Welcome to Hiroshima," by Mary Jo Salter: A Review
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5 pages in length. The misery and horror of war and the atomic bomb are all made alive in this war memorial. The narrator tells of the sights and emotions that are found within the walls. Discusses the poem at length and the use of satire, irony and similes in the poem. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAhiros.wps
Devastating Decision - Why Hiroshima Didn't Have to Happen
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A 5 page paper that argues the point that President Harry S. Truman was presented with a number of alternatives other than the bombing of Hiroshima in bringing about the end of World War II. These alternatives are discussed, with the focus being placed on Truman's failure to clarify the terms of the Potsdam Proclamation in May of 1945. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: LCDecisn.doc
Hachiya's 'Hiroshima Diary'
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In this 13 page research paper, the writer presents an in-depth analysis into the historic importance of the Hiroshima Diary -- written by a Japanese physician soon after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Bibliography lists 12+ sources.
Filename: Hirodiar.wps
Hiroshima & Nagasaki / Dropping The Atomic Bomb Saved Lives
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A 6 page paper discussing how the decision to use atomic bombs on Japanese cities saved lives. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Bomb.wps
Hiroshima / Examination Of Mass Destruction
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A 10 page overview of the history and impacts of the destruction of Hiroshima in 1945. This paper demonstrates the physical destruction that occured and the lasting implications of this kind of action. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Hiro.doc
How World War II Affected the Society & Political System of the Japanese
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In 8 pages the author discusses how World War II affected the society and the political system of the Japanese. The Japanese have always been a proud people. When they lost World War II, it had a major affect on them. They 'lost face.' This is the worst possible thing that could happen to them. The culture of Japan is such that the people just can not lose. They must win at all cost. The Japanese would rather face death than defeat. To lose face for the Japanese was a fate worse than death. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Ww2jap.rtf
Japan' s Involvement in World War II
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A 7 page paper discussing Japans reasons for entering the war. It talks about why, and how Japan became involved, and why they weren't successful.
Filename: Jpww2.wps
Japanese Imperialism in Modern Times
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7 pages in length. An historical discussion beginning with the rise of Japanese imperialism in the late nineteenth century after the arrival of U.S. Matthew C. Perry and ending with the decline of Japanese Imperialism at the end of World War II. The writer also examines some of the steps that have since been taken to ensure the growth of Democracy in Japan. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Japanimp.wps
The Affects of World War II on the Japanese
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A 7 page research paper that examines how World War II caused fundamental changes in Japanese society. Prior to WWII, Japan was an authoritarian state where the individual had few rights. After WWII and the Allied occupation, the sovereignty of the Japanese state rested with the people for the first time in their history. The writer argues that huge assimilation of Western cultural ideals fits in with the overall pattern of Japanese history and that the behind a Western façade, the Japanese have succeeded in retaining their cultural identity. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Affectjj.rtf
Ending the Trade Conflict with Japan
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10 page report that provides an overview of the history, causes, and possible solutions to the United State's trade conflicts with Japan (as they specifically relate to the auto industry). Twelve references include multiple journal sources.
Filename: Japanaut.wps
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