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Papers On Artists, Art Genre, & Famous Works Of Art
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James Joyce & Martha Graham/ Role of the Artist
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A 3 page research paper that compares how James Joyce and Martha Graham viewed the role of the artist in society. The writer focuses on Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: 99j&gart.wps

James Tissot (1836-1902).
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(5 pp) It is difficult to imagine how this French artist of social manners was ever "lost." His painterly style is amazing; his attention to detail exquisite. His portrayal of women in Victorian Europe is both intimate and insightful. Several paintings are discussed. La Demoiselle de magasin "The Young Lady of the Shop" (1883-5) is emphasized.
Filename: BBtissot.doc

Jan van Eyck / Techniques and Innovations
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A 7 page research paper on the innovations of van Eyck. The writer looks at the incorporation of realism and religious/ethereal symbolism within everyday settings, describing the symbolism in the Ghent alterpieces and the Arnolfini Wedding. Also explored are his techniques in light, illumination, oil and color. A discussion of Panofsky's theory on not reviewing art within historical contexts is also presented. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Cneyckn.wps

Jan van Eyck’s “The Last Judgment” and “Crucifixion”
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This 8 page report discusses the religious, historical, and iconographic significance of van Eyck’s paintings “The Last Judgment” and “Crucifixion.” The paintings (housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City) are the side wings of a triptych, the central panel of which is lost. They are oil on canvas, transferred from wood, and were painted sometime between 1425 and 1430. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWjanvan.wps

Japanese Identity: The Kimono Designs of Miyake, Youth Clothing, and Architecture
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This is a 9 page paper discussing the modern Japanese identity in relation to fashion and architecture. The modern Japanese identity is highly unique in its combination of the traditional and the “unfettered” modern and often mismatched. Examples of this can be found in the fashions of Issey Miyake and his contemporaries, the fashion selections and manipulations of the Japanese youth and modern Japanese architecture. Regardless of the industry however, a high level of craftsmanship, consistent with Japanese tradition, can be found. Miyake took the traditional and customized kimono and fashioned it for the flexible, international and mass produced market while at the same time defying modern day techniques of conforming the clothing to the contour of the body thus allowing the kimono to still be worn by all women of all body shapes; not usually considered in today’s fashion market. The Japanese youths of today also make their clothing distinct from that of Western countries by taking Western fashions and clothing and combining or manipulating the clothing to develop a modern and mismatched style. The clothing although often appearing vintage or aged is actually extremely high priced and carefully planned. Similarly in modern Japanese architecture, elements of the traditional can still be seen in religious areas such as Kyoto whereas modern urban areas such as Toyko have modern buildings which often combine traditional elements with modern elements which appear to be mismatched but are actually well planned and reflect the freedom of craftsmanship of the architect. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJkimon1.rtf

Jean Dubuffet and Umberto Boccioni
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This 5 page report discusses French pop artist Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) and Italian painter and sculptor Umberto Boccioni (1882-1916). Both of them chose to break with the traditional bonds of art and create works that were completely unique and which could be thought of as far outside the mainstream. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: BWbuffet.rtf

Jean François Millet’s “The Gleaners”
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This 5 page report discusses the cause and effect of the Millet painting “The Gleaners.” The ways in which Millet broke with tradition and how The Gleaners is different from art of the time is discussed along with the effect that the painting had on his subsequent works and the development of the school of Realism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWgleanr.rtf

Jean Michel Basquiat
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5 pages in length. Like any other international symbol, art strips away the barriers inherent to cultural segregation. Indeed, society's inhabitants are hard pressed to interact with one another based solely upon verbal exchange; however, when art is brought into the mix, that cultural barrier is soon removed. It can readily be argued that Jean Michel Basquiat's art was one of very few entities that possessed a universal appeal, no matter what culture it addressed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCbasqu.wps

Jeongmee Lee:
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This 5 page paper examines the ceramic sculpture of Jeongmee Lee, a modern Korean ceramic artist who honors the traditions of her homeland, but has chosen to reflect a more primitive part of her past or invent figurative work which represents her own personal imaginative world. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BBjLee.doc.

John La Farge / Stained Glass Artist
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A 5 page essay on the nineteenth century artist who invented opalescent stained glass and was a leader in other areas as well. He created thousands of beautiful stained glass windows during his career that rival Tiffany's, who was a contemporary and a competitor. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: lafarge

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