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Papers On International Economics & Finance
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Argentina’s Economic Growth
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A 5 page paper discussing Argentina’s economic difficulties in 2002. The Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) method can be blamed in part for retarding economic growth. Once Argentina weathers the current economic recession, it will once again be poised to overcome the economic problems of the past. ISI likely will not be a part of future focus. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSargenEconGro.rtf
Argentine Economy and Economic Relations
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An 18 page paper discussing determination of exchange rate and purchasing parity in Argentina, followed by a discussion of particular economic issues facing developing countries. The paper distinguishes between developing and mature economies according to the OECD definition of mature, and discusses developing nations’ need for capital and development of capital markets. The paper includes a discussion of Argentina’s economic collapse in 2001-2002 and reform requirements imposed by the IMF. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSargentEcon1a.rtf
Argentine Economy and Economic Relations, Part I
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A 14 page paper discussing the economy of Argentina for the purpose of assessing the value of foreign direct investment in the country and the advisability of fixing exchange rates for the Argentine peso. Using others’ capital is always attractive as long as Argentines retain control over how that capital is used. Reverting to fixed exchange rates can appear to be appealing, but it likely is not except under specific conditions. In this view, freely-floating currency is seen as being the desirable condition. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSargentEcon1.rtf
Aruba; The Potentials of Economic Integration
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This 10 page paper considers the economic situation in the Caribbean island of Aruba, an autonomous region that remains a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and theories of integration. The paper then brings to two together to understand the positive and negative impacts that integration with a union in the Americas may bring for the nation. The paper is written as a conclusion of a larger paper. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEarubai.rtf
Asia and the Exchange Rate Crisis
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10 pages in length. The economic and international exchange rate crisis in Asia is examined at length with a look at the World Bank and the IMF or International Monetary Fund. Paul Krugman is cited and it is shown that the need for better collaboration, communication and general information sharing in the Asia exchange rate crisis is more important than ever before. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: JGAasiae.wps
Asian Crisis / Root Cause
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A 7 page research paper on the root cause of the Asian crisis. The writer argues that the cause was related to the Asian concept of 'amae,' or fraternity, a concept identified in the US S&L scandal in the 1980s. The writer argues that current econometrics, except for those proposed by institutionalists, do not consider such cultural variables, when in fact, they are the root cause of the Asian crisis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Cnascris.wps
Asian Economic Crisis Effects on Taiwan & Indonesia
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This 8 page paper addresses issues surrounding the Asian financial crisis. The economies and political situations of Taiwan and Indonesia are compared. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Taiwindo.wps
Asian Financial Crisis And Effect On Regional International Relations
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This 9 page report discusses the impact the financial crisis in Asia is having on its neighboring nations and how that has affected international relations. Also discussed is the IMF's role in policy changes and the impact of those changes. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Asiancr.wps
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This 4-page paper discusses some of the causes of the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and 1998, and some of the IMF's blunders when it came to trying to deal with the crisis.
Filename: MTIMFasi.rtf
Asian v. African & Latin American Growth
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An 8 page research paper that contrasts and compares the economic growth of countries in Asia to those in Latin America and Africa, specifically addressing why growth elsewhere in the world has not matched the performance of Asia economies. The writer argues that the blame lies primarily with government mismanagement, corruption and greed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khasafla.rtf
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