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Papers On International Economics & Finance
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Britain's Euro Dilemma
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This 3 page paper thoughtfully looks at the cases for and against the embrace of the euro by Britain. The situation is discussed several years after the advent of the new currency. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA332EU1.rtf
Business and Government in Canada
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This is a 3 page paper discussing business and the Government of Canada relations. Historically, the Canadian government maintained a close relationship with businesses within Canada in that for the large part the Canadian government controlled and owned most of the major business sectors within the country such as natural resources, agriculture, and the transport industries to name a few. This ideology led to a nationalization of the country especially prior and during the years of World War II when Prime Minister Mackenzie King provided a great deal of financial investments in the development of business opportunities within Canada. By the second half of the 20th century, Canada had become a social and welfare state which began to take its toll on the economy and government. During the 1970s and 1980s, “downsizing” and the start of privatization of governmental industries began to take place. Today, the relationship between the Canadian government and business has changed significantly. Through financial support and trade policy, the Canadian government provides assistance to businesses which will encourage national and international investment in Canada. These businesses are those which are in high demand in the global market place and are those which are considered innovative, service-oriented, research, technology and knowledge-based in addition to the already established industries.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJCanbg1.rtf
Business and Government in Canada: Issues of Government Relations, The Role of Elites, Government Intervention, Regulation and Deregulation
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This is a 3 page paper discussing business and government in Canada in regards to government intervention, business relations, the roles of elites and regulation. The history of Canadian business involves a great amount of government intervention within the business industry to the extent that most historical Canadian business ventures are those which had high government involvement such as the Canadian Pacific Railway and Air Canada. However many business critics believe that this intervention is based on the Canadian government’s basic belief that the government can do a better job of controlling the economic interests of business which is contrary to those within the business industry who believe that free markets and competition actually do a better job of distributing goods and services. The practice of the government however changed in the 1980s when pressure from the corporate elite within Canada lead to a new approach in government relations with business and industry which became one of deregulation, privatization, and assistance within the competitive marketplace.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJCango1.rtf
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This paper discusses a joint venture between a U.S. and Chinese firm -- and the political and business climate in China that might impact the firms' ability to do business. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MTchibus.rtf
Calculating Cost Base for Capital Gains Tax in Australia
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In Australia capital gains are taxed as a part of income. The basis of the calculations (the CGT calculations) of the gain relies in the base cost. This 11 page paper examines how the cost base calculated, what is and is not allowed and how indexation takes place. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEauscostbase.rtf
Calculating the Cost of Capital for Multinational Organizations
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This 20 page paper examines the different ways of calculatingthe cost of capital for a multinational company where there are many different risk factors that can impact on costs, such as exchange rate risks. The paper considers the methods which include looking at the cost of equity and the cost of debt, with consideration of how the CAPM (capital asset pricing model), can satisfy the calculations for the cost of equity and the variation for an international capital asset pricing model ICAPM. The use of the ICAPM is assessed looking at empirical evidence that suggests there may be some differences. The paper looks at how these differences may be included in equation and then at the evidence that may suggest that domestic CAPM is just as efficient as ICAPM for MNO’s. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Filename: TEcostc1.rtf
Canadian Free Trade Agreement Designed to Boost Economy in Two Nations:
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This five-page-paper presents a discussion on the Canadian-United States
Free Trade Agreement. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: CWcanfre.wps
Canadian Trade: Global, Local and Inter-Provincial Trade Barriers
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This is a 3 page paper discussing different perceptions and aspects of Canadian trade in regards to municipal, provincial and global levels. Canadian trade varies in regards to its acceptance, perception and policies on the municipal, provincial or global levels. Many World Trade Organization (WTO) Members find that certain restrictive policies and tariffs in Canada present barriers in some markets although the WTO has found that access to the Canadian market is “generally liberal” despite some protectionist measures within the country. Canadian businesses interested in inter-provincial trade have found that the inter-provincial barriers are often too costly and it is more cost efficient to promote trade markets within the U.S. than within Canada itself; barriers which trade boards and chambers of commerce should eliminate in order allow Canadian businesses to prosper within Canada. On the other hand, certain municipalities have found that trade policies related to the GATS agreement have “liberalized” services to such an extent that national and international businesses now challenge local businesses; businesses municipalities wish to shield.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJCantr1.rtf
Capital Account Liberalization
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A 6 page paper examining to what extent capital
account liberalization is in response to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system. The financial
systems devised at Bretton Woods ended in 1971, and the current global account liberalization is
seen as resulting in part from the collapse of the Bretton Woods accords in that it seeks to replace
it with another rather than operate without one at all. The paper describes the Bretton Woods
system as well as today's approaches to controlling capital movement. Bibliography lists 8
sources in 20 footnotes.
Filename: KSintlCapital.wps
Capital in Developing Economies
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An 8 page paper discussing the contribution that capital can be expected to make in economic development and why it is necessary. Every activity requires capital funding, and initial economic activity contributes to growth of capital available for further development. This process is stunted and sometimes halted in the face of political corruption, where lack of transparency enables capital growth to be siphoned off to individuals. Developing nations need to be able to attract foreign direct investment and construct a regulatory environment that encourages further economic development. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSdevEconCap.rtf
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