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Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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Changes and Growth in the America Economy Since the Great Depression
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This 8 page report discusses the vast number of changes the U.S. economy has undergone since the dark days following the 1929 stock market crash. The Roosevelt Administration implemented a wide array of social benefit programs to assist Americans in getting through the Depression. The next economic grace for the country was directly related to the onset of World War II and then the prosperity of the post-war period. Subsequent generations and their economic success had been changed forever. The United States would never again experience a catastrophe of the magnitude of the Depression. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BwpostGD.rtf
Consequences of EU Expansion and the Two-tier System
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This 9 page paper looks at the EU and its possible expansion East. The paper argues that a two-tier negotiation method is necessary. The two-tier system is explored in depth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA333R2.rtf
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This 5-page paper touches on two economic factors --Economic Value Add and Market Value Add -- and determines how they fit into an accounting format. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTevamva.rtf
Social Changes as a Result of E-commerce
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This 7 page example editorial delves into the ramifications of e-commerce. Several points are made but an emphasis is placed on the way technology has changed daily life for most people. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA003ECm.rtf
Interest Rate Parity between the Dollar and the Yen in the Asian Currency Crisis
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This 5 page paper looks at the way interest rate parities work and considers the way in which the Asian currency crisis effected the interest rates of the United States and Japan; formulas are included. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEasncri.wps
Participatory Economics
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A 30 page paper on the definition, historical perspective, development and application of particpatory economics in Japan and Islam. The paper posits that this signifies a change from the absolutist politics of Keynesian economics, while incorporating those and other economic theories through history. The reason postulated is that diverse cultures require diverse economic policies, although the guiding policy in this world is capitalism. Capitalism is discussed in relationship to several facets of participatory economics, particularly by theorist. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: Radecon.wps
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This 5-page paper examines micro and macroeconomics and how such concepts can be applied to a hospital's case management system. The paper relied on specific examples from two hospitals to help support the topic. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTecocas.rtf
Social Security and the Aging Baby Boom Generation
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This 7 page report discusses the budget issue regarding Social Security and the impending retirement of the “Baby Boom” generation. Boomers are estimated to consist of approximately 77 million Americans, representing fully one-third of the population of the United States. In 1996, the first of the “boomers” turned 50. As a result, Congress, the Administration, and the general public have been voicing their concerns about the future of America’s Social Security system. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWbudge.rtf
Charles Handy/Age of Paradox
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A 10 page research paper that analyzes Handy's book, The Age of Paradox. Handy's predictions on trends in business and management have been unfailingly accurate and, consequently, the corporate world is beginning to pay attention to what Handy has to say about such trends and how they apply to economies and business. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: 90handy.rtf
The Eurosystem 's Monetary Policy Issues
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This 19 page paper evaluates the eurosystem with a focus on monetary policy. The new euro has caused some worry and this paper addresses a variety of issues from concern over transparency to the realization that the euro has not fared as well as expected. An overview of the Eurosystem is provided along with information about monetary policy. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Filename: SA215eur.rtf
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