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Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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A Determination of Monopsony in Contracted Verses Non-Contracted Baseball Player Salaries
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A 3 page overview of the research performed by Andrew and Victor Brajer in "Baseball Stars and Baseball Cards: A New Look at Monopsony in Major League Baseball" (1994). Outlines the fact that baseball player salaries revolve around the contract system typically utilized in major league baseball. Evaluates the statistical model utilized by these researchers utilizing baseball card prices to conclude that many contracted players receive much less compensation than they could receive in a competitive market. Suggests that the use of baseball card prices to make this determination is superior to other methods because baseball card prices reflect both tangible and intangible aspects of a players worth to his team. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPbsblEc.wps
A Hard Landing for the US Economy; Economic Impacts
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This 26 page paper considers the way in which it was considered in 2000 that the US economy may develop. The paper considers the different indicates and what they meant, how they may be interpreted and why they may indicate a soft or a hard landing. The writer then considers the impact that this may have on another nations, such as Taiwan, and then how it may impact on a domestic company with operations overseas. The writer looks at D-Link and considers how this company may plan in the event of the US suffering a hard landing and a potential recession in order to survive and take advantage of adverse economic conditions. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Filename: TEushard.rtf
A History and Analysis of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
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8 pages. Starting with the most famous market crash of 1929, this paper discusses other major market crashes through the year 2000. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is tracked for the last few years in order to determine the cause of these major swings and what it is that is preventing a strong recovery. This is an excellent overview of the Dow Jones and gives the student an effective basis on which to proceed with further research regarding market crises and possible recovery scenarios. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: JGAdowjo.rtf
A Letter to the President / Fear for the Future
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A 7 page paper discussing in the form of a letter the fear that because we have no clue as to why the current and long period of expansion has lasted so long or has taken the path that it has, we also have no means either of recreating it should it end or taking steps to ensure its continuation now. The economy of the US currently is in the longest period of economic expansion known. While growth has been encouraging, it is troubling to know that even economists making macroeconomic analysis their life's work are unsure just what has brought about this long period of growth interrupted by only the mildest of 'bumps.' Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSecon.rtf
A Look at Different Types of Budgets
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5 pages in length. Budgets
are primarily based on history of expenditures and income as well
as related items, and are also based on the future forecasts for
such. Budgets, however, mean different things to different
groups. For instance, an individual's household budget would be
entirely different for that of a public sector budget. Likewise,
the for-profit corporations have budgets that are based on
different values from those of non-profit organizations. An
excellent paper which also examines why caution must be used when
comparing budget variance reports with the monthly reports of any
organization. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAbgets.wps
A Look at the Past and Future: Evaluating the Economy with Current Statistics
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This 7 page paper examines the current economy. This paper is broken down into two parts, one examining how current data is explained with an historic view and how the future economy can be predicted by looking at the present. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA633eco.rtf
A Paper Considering the Validity of Financial Analysis Being Based on the Assumption that Markets Efficiently Reflect the Underlying Present Value of the Firm
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This 14 page paper discusses the validity of financial analysis is based on the assumption that markets efficiently reflect the underlying present value of the firm. This is examined using various theories such as efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and the Edwards-Bell-Ohlson models. This is considered generally and in the context of the stock market performance with peaks and troughs and the crash of high tech shares in 2000. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
Filename: TEvalueshare.rtf
A Positive Slope on the Demand Curve – A Marketing Assessment
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A 5 page paper that critically assesses the argument that for some goods, the economics demand curve may exhibit a positive slope. Presented is an example using the current cola war between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola and a shift in demand curve slope that could possibly occur were the equilibrium of this market disturbed. Also briefly discussed is the origin of this marketing assessment standard as introduced in Alfred Marshall's 1890 publication of Principles of Economics. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: LCcurve.doc
A Study of Inflation & Interest Rates
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This 17 page analysis focuses on trends of the nineties in relation to the economic variables, with an emphasis on Australia, Britain and the U.S. Paper includes 4 graphs and 2 charts. Economic history of each country is also presented and a relationship is shown between the three. Similarities are emphasized. Bibliography lists 22 sources.
Filename: Inflate.wps
Abolishment Of The Minimum Wage
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This 8 page paper takes a stand against the concept of the minimum wage but presents both sides of the economic argument. Trickle down economics is explained as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Manecomw.wps
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