Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Asia and the US; Correlation's in Financial Crises
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This 12 page paper considers the similarities and differences between the economic problems of the great recession of 1929 America and the mid 1990's Asian crisis. The paper considers the back ground and influences leading to these events and how they may have been predicted form market conditions with models that look at debt cycles and debt constrained assets. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEfincr2.wps
Asian Crisis / Root Cause
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A 7 page research paper on the root cause of the Asian crisis. The writer argues that the cause was related to the Asian concept of 'amae,' or fraternity, a concept identified in the US S&L scandal in the 1980s. The writer argues that current econometrics, except for those proposed by institutionalists, do not consider such cultural variables, when in fact, they are the root cause of the Asian crisis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Cnascris.wps
Asian Economic Crisis Effects on Taiwan & Indonesia
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This 8 page paper addresses issues surrounding the Asian financial crisis. The economies and political situations of Taiwan and Indonesia are compared. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Taiwindo.wps
Asian Financial Crisis And Effect On Regional International Relations
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This 9 page report discusses the impact the financial crisis in Asia is having on its neighboring nations and how that has affected international relations. Also discussed is the IMF's role in policy changes and the impact of those changes. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Asiancr.wps
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This 4-page paper discusses some of the causes of the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and 1998, and some of the IMF's blunders when it came to trying to deal with the crisis.
Filename: MTIMFasi.rtf
Aspects of Economics
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This well rounded informative 20 page paper looks at different aspects of business economics in order to give a clear and decisive description of the aspects and their influence. Aspects of economics covered include elasticity of price, income and cross elasticity, the causes of inflation, the causes of unemployment and appropriate responses, fixed and floating exchange rates along with there advantages and disadvantages, perfect competition and monopolies as well as the effect of globalization of the European Union. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Filename: TEgeneco.wps
Aspects of Economics; Theory and Application
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This 12 page paper considers different aspects of economic theory and measurement and their application. The paper applies them to the Singapore economy. The paper includes discussion and explanations on the measurements of Gross National Product (GNP), Gross Domestic product (GDP), as well as information and discussion on the crowding –out effect, 'sticky wages', aggregate supply and demand side economics. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEecosin.wps
Aspen Technology Inc Case Study
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This 5 page paper is based on a case study supplied b the student. The company sells licenses which customers pay for in installments over a number of years. The questions answered discuss financial issues related to the case, including why customers may want to pay in installments, the ways finance are raised by the company and the issues associated with the chosen hedging strategy. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEaspen1.rtf
Assessing 2 Projects Using Net Present Value
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This 4 page paper assesses two projects showing NPV calculations. The paper presents the net present values, looks at which of the projects could be accepted and then considers how NPV can be used and other issues that should be taken into account before a decision is made. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEprojNPV.rtf
Assessing a Business
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This 12 page paper answers questions asked by the student. The first part of the paper considers how understanding segmentation may help with know who the target market for a skill resort. This question also consider what the marketing mix is and how it can and is being used. The second part of the paper shows the student how to draw up a profit and loss account and a balance sheet. The third part consider break even point on the projected figures and includes a graph with fixed, variable and total costs shown and income plotted to demonstrate break even point. The last part of the paper looks at a business proposal, calculated the NPV of two options and demonstrates how to calculate the internal rate of return, before making a recommendation. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEquet13.rtf
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