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Papers On Accounting & Personal Finance
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Balanced Scorecard; Financial Objectives
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This 3 page paper considers the financial objectives that could be used by a hospital when developing a balanced scorecard. The identified the objectives, explains why they are important and then looks at how they can be measured and the strategies that would need to be in place to measure them. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEBSC003.rtf
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This 3-page paper focuses on how balanced scorecard systems can help in the profession of accounting Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTbascac.rtf
Balancing Cash Flow and Profit
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This 3 page paper considers why and how CFO’s have to balance profit making with cash flow in order to create a strong and viable company that maximises its’ profit potential while reducing opportunity costs and remaining liquid. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEcshproft.rtf
Balancing the Budget # 4 -- A Balancing Act
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A 7 page research paper on the issues surrounding the failed balanced-budget amendment. The paper discusses the history of the national debt, and debates whether balancing the budget is even necessary at all. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Budget.wps
Balfour Wimpey Builders
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This 8 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. The first part of paper looks at why a company where the management are hold a substantial number of shares may have a profit maximisation attitude. The second part of the paper considers three potential scenarios and advises which would be the best option. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEbwbcase.rtf
Bank Analysis
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This 5 page tutorial paper shows the student how to calculate the GAP analysis, and explains the duration analysis as well as giving a step by step guide in how to calculate the duration gap. The writer then explains how hedging may be used to protect the banks position. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEbankme.wps
Bank Analysis
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A 10 page paper devoting 8 pages to analyzing differences in ROE and ROA between SunTrust Bank and an unidentified sample bank. The paper uses the DuPont Identity to identify the area in which the sample bank performs better than SunTrust based on the first half of 2005. The remaining portion of the paper forecasts sales of manufactured housing based on historic information. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSbanFinRat.rtf
Bank Comparison
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A 10 page paper comparing Bank of America and Charter One Bank, discussing their points of focus and differing positions in their markets. The paper discusses Bank of America more fully in that it is the largest retail bank in the country. The paper discusses issues of profitability, liquidity and regulation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSbankComp.rtf
Bank Merger and Acquisition
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A 3 page paper discussing the factors that may be present and contribute to value for acquiring banks in mergers and acquisitions. The factors identified are greater cost efficiencies, enhanced revenues, effective integration and potential tax benefits under Section 197 of the Internal Revenue Code. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSbankMerg.rtf
Bank Mergers
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A 5 page discussion of legal issues and considerations in bank mergers. Primary focus is upon the Federal Bank Holding Company Act and Bank Merger Act. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Bankmerg.wps
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