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Papers On Technology, Transportation, & Aviation
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Buckle Up!
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A 4 page paper containing the text of a speech urging the use of seat belts. The overwhelming evidence, however, is that those who use seat belts as a matter of course are safer – and more likely to survive a crash – than those who do not. Parents set the example for children, and seat belts can help to preserve them to do the same when they are adults. Includes an outline. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSseatBeltsYes.rtf
Business Ethics and Current Issues in Copyright Violation: Current Considerations Regarding NAPSTER and Computer Software
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A 5 page discussion of the current controversy regarding the unauthorized reproduction of digitized music and computer software using online serviced designed to aid that reproduction. Discusses the controversy surrounding NAPSTER and AOL's removal of their equivalent search engine. Emphasizes that such reproduction is not also illegal, it is unethical. Suggests that NAPSTER should take the lead of AOL and remove their service from the Internet. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPbusEth.wps
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This 16 page paper looks at two cases concerning the way CAD/CAM may be used. The first looks at the way CAD, CAM and CAD/CAM could be used in the design and production of a case of a cellular (mobile) phone and then the use on aircraft design to improve safety. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Filename: TECADCAM.rtf
California’s Power Crisis Continues
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California’s Power Crisis Continues: This 8-page essay examines one of the worst energy crises in American history, while citing some of its contributory issues and underlying problems. The scene on the streets and in California buildings is becoming a very familiar one on the nightly news, as the sudden lack of power paralyzes normal activity, and it’s ‘lights out’ for yet another major metropolis. Bibliography lists 4 sources. SNCapowr.doc
Filename: SNCapowr.doc
Call Centers: Key Performance Indicators
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4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses travel reservation and 911 emergency call center key performance indicators. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCCallCntr.rtf
Canadair CRJ Regional Jet Engine: General Electric TF34 (CF34)
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A 1 page outline of an accompanying 12-slide PowerPoint® presentation examining the GE FT34 jet engine used in the Canadair Regional Jet. Quiet and fuel efficient, the TF34 is the military version; the CF34 is the commercial version of the same engine. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSairCanJetEng.rtf
Canadair CRJ Regional Jet Engine: General Electric TF34 (CF34)
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A 4 page paper (including a 1 page outline) examining the GE FT34 jet engine used in the Canadair Regional Jet. Quiet and fuel efficient, the TF34 is the military version; the CF34 is the commercial version of the same engine. PowerPoint® presentation available. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSairCanJetEng2.rtf
Car Pooling: Not a Popular Option
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4 pages in length. Even
though ride sharing and car pooling can save people money in
transportation costs, they are simply not popular options in
today's modern society. Why is this? There are many reasons and
while some of the reasons are obvious, some of the other reasons
might surprise you. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: JGAcarpl.wps
Carl Sagan's 'The Demon-Haunted World -- Science As A Candle In The Dark'
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A 5 page paper in which the writer provides an overview of Sagan's book. Demon-Haunted World challenges many of theories formed from developments in science and technology regarding space travel and the presence of life from other worlds. The paper contends that Sagan's challenging of current scientific myths supports his theory that increases in science and technology have developed into a social focus. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Carls.wps
Case Study : Hours Of Service & Driver Fatigue
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A 40 page paper, including, table of contents, executive summary, illustrations and appendices, based on a case presented by the student. The issue is how the new hours of service regulations will impact a specific short-haul company with a fleet of 500 trucks. The HOS regulations and the use of electronic record-keeping devices are reviewed and included in the paper. A comprehensive analysis of the impact of HOS is provided, which includes numerous calculations to compare weekly and annual payroll under exiting HOS and under the new HOS. Alternative actions are discussed. Other issues discussed include a description and the value of using automated routing programs, and benefits of using automatic on-board record-keeping systems that also include GPS. Specific products are mentioned. A price comparison is included for a Class 3 truck with and without the automatic on-board system. The issue of driver fatigue is discussed in terms of sleep apnea with a recommendation to test all driver applicants for this condition. Statistical data included. 4 Tables/Illustrations are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGtrck2.rtf
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