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Papers On Technology, Transportation, & Aviation
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This 4-page paper examines the benefits that airplanes and helicopters have had on society in general. In addition to some historical discussion about airplanes, the paper mentions advantages that air travel has brought forward. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTairtra.rtf
Airline Carriers
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The role adopted in writing this 5 page example report is of a purser of a major airline. The rationale for such a choice is that, in this position, the report can be written from a hands on perspective. Thus, the executive receiving the materials will be well informed because the knowledge would come from experience. The utilization of a major airline as a model would also give a purser a better education than if he was employed within the context of a smaller operation. The report's analysis considers topics in human resourcing as applicable to major airline carriers. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Airlin.wps
Airline Deregulation & The Impact on Labor Relations
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The 1978 Airline Deregulation Act had significant impacts on the airline industry. This 6 page paper considers the impact of airline deregulation on labor relations, and reflects upon elements like cost-containment efforts and wages, changing job requirements and the globalization
of the labor market. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Airdereg.wps
Airline Deregulation Act Of 1978
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This 4 page paper discusses two topics. The first is a summary of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978; the second discuses the PATCO strike and the effects it had on labor negotiations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGair.rtf
Airline Deregulation Today
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5 pages. Business and marketing strategies within the airline industry will continue to present inspired methods in order to reach for the highest profit margin. Not unlike other enterprises that rely upon a positive bottom line to remain competitive, small and large airlines alike are faced with ever-mounting competition in this day of high costs and an even higher competitive factor. Staying within the somewhat confined boundaries of industry, while at the same time attempting to focus on the ever-changing consumer market, is a great concern for the airline industry. This paper explains what deregulation is, the history of airline deregulation, and some legislative examples of the industry as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAairld.rtf
Airline Industry - Profitability And Risk Management
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This 10 page paper is the beginning proposal for a research study that asks if there is a relationship between operational risk management and profitability in the airline industry. The paper presents the problem, the questions, an overview of the literature on the topics and the research design. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGairrsk.RTF
Airline Industry Analysis
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A 4 page paper analyzing the airline industry according to Porter’s five forces. The paper concludes that critical factors for success in the industry include the ability to compete in ways different from competitors and intense customer loyalty. Most airlines struggle to achieve these ends. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSairIndAnalyPort.rtf
Airline Industry Report
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This 13 page paper considers the airline industry and if it doomed to remain a low profit industry. The paper looks at the background of the industry and then undertakes a SWOT analysis to look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, a PEST analysis which considers the political, economic, social and technological influences and a Porters Five Forces analysis. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEairline.rtf
Airline Maintenance Outsourcing
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This is a 14 page paper which examines the practice of airline maintenance outsourcing and the safety issues associated with it.
The bibliography has 5 sources.
Filename: JHAirl.rtf
Airline Management Questions
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A 5 page paper answering 4 questions about the airline industry. Questions address codesharing at American Airlines and China Eastern Air; what makes Herb Kelleher worthy of admiration; suggestions for marketing for the future; and recommendations for allocating $5 billion for fleet replacement over 4 years. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSairMgmtQues.rtf
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