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Papers On Sports & Issues In Sports Management
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Genetic Predisposition and Physical Performance: Height as It Relates to Performance in the NBA
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An 8 page exploration of whether genetic
predisposition affects physical performance. The author utilizes statistics from the NBA to demonstrate that height is largely irrelevant in regard to the relative performance of six specific NBA players. Summaries of field goals and free throws attempted verses those completed and average
rebound points per game are discussed for Kevin Garnet (Minnesota Timberwolves), Dirk Nowitz (Dallas Mavericks), Shaquille O'Neil (Miami Heat), Zach Randolph (Portland Trailblazers), Elton Brand (Los Angeles Clippers) and Shawn Marion (Phoenix Suns). These summaries are then presented in tabular and graphic format and conclusions made as to the importance of height as it relates to these players' performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPgenHgt.rtf
Genetic Predisposition and Physical Performance: Height as It Relates to Performance in the NBA
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A 12 page exploration of whether genetic
predisposition affects physical performance. The author utilizes statistics from the NBA to demonstrate that height is largely irrelevant in regard to the relative performance of six specific NBA players. Summaries of field goals and free throws attempted verses those completed and average
rebound points per game are discussed for Kevin Garnet (Minnesota Timberwolves), Dirk Nowitz (Dallas Mavericks), Shaquille O'Neil (Miami Heat), Zach Randolph (Portland Trailblazers), Elton Brand (Los Angeles Clippers) and Shawn Marion (Phoenix Suns). These summaries are then presented in tabular and graphic format and conclusions made as to the importance of height as it relates to these players' performance. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPgenHg2.rtf
Golf Safety
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A 5 page paper discussing dangers on the golf course other than lightning, ones
generally not recognized or otherwise not sufficiently addressed. Cardiac arrest is the leading
cause of death on the golf course, and there are a growing number of reports of fairway robbery,
and even fire ants have become an increasing problem as they work their way northward and more
inland. The purpose here is to evaluate the relative risks and frequency of non-golf events on the
golf course to develop a safety checklist and to assess what levels of supervision can be viewed as
being adequate. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSgolfSafe.wps
Gore Canyon
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A 6 page paper which provides an overview of Gore Canyon which lies
on the Colorado River. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAgorecnyn.wps
Group & Team Dynamics
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A 12 page research paper that examines team development. To demonstrate team dynamics, the writer first focuses on the motion picture Remember the Titans and then draws on the scholarship of Stewart, Manz and Sims (1999) in their book Team Work and Group Dynamics to discuss issues, such as the stages of team development and the nature of team leadership. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khtemdyn.rtf
Growing the WNBA's Brand
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A 5 page paper discussing marketing the Women's
National Basketball Association's acceptance and growing its brand. Many of the WNBA
players differ from other women only in the fact that they play basketball for a living. The
WNBA has thrived on its grass-roots characteristics and it should work to preserve them.
Players generally are unable to stage dunks and other dramatic maneuvers and so
concentrate on solid skills that many of the men's teams have lost. In this respect, WNBA
teams can build appreciation among male fans as well. Teams and the national organization
need to use both approaches in their marketing efforts. Includes a SWOT analysis.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KS-WNBA.rtf
Gymnastics in 19th Century Germany
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A 7 page paper that describes the significant developments in competitive gymnastics in Germany during the 1800s. Of special consideration are the development of schooled gymnastics processes and the participation of Germany in the first Olympiad in 1896. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Germangy.wps
Hamstring Injury in Women
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A 6 page paper discussing this too-common injury. As more women become involved in competitive sports involving sprinting, they also suffer a higher percentage of hamstring injury. Soccer players are highly susceptible to hamstring injury because of the nature of the movements required in the sport, but any sport involving sprinting can be suspect. The purpose here is to review what hamstring injury is, how it is treated and special implications for women athletes. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSmedHamstringWom.rtf
Harley Davidson Motorcycles: The “Bad Boy” Image Verses Fact
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A 9 page history of the emergence of Harley Davidson motorcycles and the culture which they have spawned in the U.S. Contends that despite the “bad boy” image these motorcycles are associated with the contemporary Harley owner is more often a businessman, doctor, or lawyer than they are a “gang” member. Provides statistics to back this contention up. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPharley.wps
Health Benefits Of Golf
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5 pages in length. Golf is one of society's favorite pastimes, yet many people do not realize just how beneficial it is to one's health. The seemingly insignificant movements associated with golf – swinging the club, bending over to pick up the ball, walking from hole to hole – encourage several types of bodily movement that helps to stretch and tone muscles, as well as aid in proper blood circulation. While golf may not be considered an aerobic activity like running or swimming, where the heart is worked to its full capacity, it is still considered a gentle way in which people can obtain their need for regular exercise. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCgolf.rtf
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