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Papers On Sports & Issues In Sports Management
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Desegregation of Major League Baseball In The United States
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A 10 page paper on the integration of Black athletes into major league baseball. The writer describes the evolution of the Negro Leagues and the reasons why it would have been beneficial for these leagues to remain in effect as they contributed to social bonding. It is argued that integration damaged some of the pride and cultural experience that Black athletes enjoyed in the Negro Leagues. Desegregation brought about major opposition, ridicule, shame, etc; Irony exists in the fact that Blacks were allowed to fight and die for America-- but they could not play baseball. And once they were allowed to, nobody would accept them. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Desegreg.wps

Jackie Robinson & The Color Barrier
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A 4 page biography/report on the life and accomplishments of Jackie Robinson-- the American baseball player known for 'breaking the color barrier' and becoming the first Black player to gain widespread acceptance playing for a Major League team. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Jckrbnsn.wps

Jackie Robinson / Film vs. Book
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In this 5 page paper, the writer is concerned with the historical accuracy of film & written accounts of the Jackie Robinson legend. The movie ['Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars'] is compared with the book 'Baseball's Great Experiment: --Jackie Robinson and His Legacy.'
Filename: Bingolong.wps

Jackie Robinson's Enduring Legacy
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An 11 page paper on baseball's first enduring black player. Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 amid a raft of controversy, but managed to pull 'Dem Bums,' perpetual losers into the 1947 World Series by doing things that won him the title of 1947 Rookie of the Year. Always outspoken on racial issues, he maintained his promise of 2 years' worth of no visible reaction to the verbal abuse all involved, including him, knew he would suffer. After that, it was no holds barred while he meanwhile gathered award after award. He committed a lifetime to civil rights work, using baseball as a stage from which to speak. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: Jackier.wps

Jackie Robinson's Legacy / Review Of Tygel's 'Baseball's Great Experiment'
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5 pages in which the author discusses this particular book and how the great baseball player Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier between Black and Whites on the playing field and in society.
Filename: Jrlegacy.wps

Jackie Robinson's Social Contributions
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An 8 page paper discussing the social effect felt by Jackie Robinson's addition to the Dodgers. He suffered incredible verbal abuse and even threats of death, yet continued with his mission. He summarized the source of his drive in his last book: 'I cannot, as an individual, rejoice in the good things I have been permitted to work for and learn while the humblest of my brothers is down in a deep hole hollering for help and not being heard. That is why I have devoted and dedicated my life to service.' Jackie Robinson did more perhaps than any other black man in breaking color barriers. Without discounting the contributions of other civil rights workers, Jackie Robinson became a master of breaking the white man's rules yet remaining within those same rules. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: JackieRo.wps

Physical Therapy: Health Trends
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8 pages in length. Within the world of physical wellness, there are two very different approaches to the same goal: holistic and allopathic. The two vastly diverse programs offered around the world provide similar benefits; however, it is the road taken to achieve these benefits that greatly differ. Allopathic medicine is geared more toward the traditional, pharmaceutical therapy that has sustained throughout the centuries. Holistic medicine, on the other hand, utilizes a whole body, noninvasive approach to aid in the body's recuperation. Granted, both entities have their specific place within the innerworkings of overall wellness, yet their diversity maintains them as separate practices. The writer discusses that current trends, however, are showing a voluntary merging of the two applications to work toward a comprehensive approach to physical therapy. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCphys.wps

The History and Development of Golf
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This 5 page report discusses the larger history of golf – how it evolved and what it has become. It has been fairly well established that golf was actually devised by the Scots in the 14th or 15th century. Since then, golf has evolved into a measured world by which a person can be judged by their awareness of proper etiquette, attitude, and dress, as well as how they hit the ball. Throughout the centuries, certain attitudes and rules transcend nationality and reasons for golf to create golf’s own unique world of beliefs, standards, and ideals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWgolf.rtf

Curtailing College Sports Gambling / Proposal
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A 6 page model proposal on ways to curtail college student betting and game fixing on sporting events. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Curtgamb.wps

Natural Grass Verses Artificial Turf On Collegiate Playing Fields
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An 8 page comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of artificial and natural turf’s in the collegiate environment. Relies heavily on data for pro-football. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Turfcom.wps

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