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Papers On Sociology, Social Work, & Counseling
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Female Gangs; Social and Historical Causes
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This 6 page paper considers the reasons behind the formation and continuation of girl gangs. The hypothesis behind the paper is that the causes for female gang membership are more socially orientated than their male counterparts. The effect of crime and society are also examined. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEgirlga.wps

Feminist Jane Addams' Social Ethic
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A 10 page paper discussing Jane Addams' feminist and social ethics. Founder of Chicago's Hull House and outspoken advocate for peace prior to World War I, Jane Addams was not particularly liberal in her views, but settled more in the realm of doing what's right. Present-day feminism frequently has been opposed to social systems; social ethic has not recognized feminism. An example from a century ago provided the model of a bridge long ago, one that should be seriously considered for application today. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KS-JaAddams.wps

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Link to Youth Violence?
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A 6 page paper which examines whether fetal alcohol syndrome is a contributing factor of youth violence. The paper illustrates that fetal alcohol syndrome lessens an individual's control devices and makes them more apt to violence than one who does not suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAfetalsynd.wps

Fight Club: Interpretation Of One Passage
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This 2.5 page paper focuses on one passage in this book by Chuck Palahniuk. The narrator has just been beaten in a fight, he and Tyler can see his image in the blood on the floor. This paper is an interpretation of this scene based on the Bible. The writer offers an analogy of the image of the narrator and Veronica's veil. Veronica was the woman who wiped Christ's face at Cavalry. The writer also provides an analogy between the rules of the club and the Ten Commandments. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGfight.rtf

Financial Aspects of Iowa's Foster Care System
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This 3 page paper takes a brief look at the system. Moneys appropriated for children who turn 18 is also discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA317fos.rtf

Flirting with Communication Accommodation Theory
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A 13 page paper presenting a study of flirting situations and behaviors. Communication accommodation theory holds that individuals change their manner of verbally or nonverbally communicating with each other, dependent on perceived differences between the individuals involved. This theory seems to fit inordinately well into the flirting situation, where individuals may not always be everything they seem to be. The purpose here is to investigate reactions to flirting behaviors in terms of communication accommodation theory in order to make some assessment of what accommodative processes individuals perceive. The research effort seeks to answer the question of what percentage of individual verbal and nonverbal flirting actions viewers perceive. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KScomFlirting.rtf

Forgotten Fatherhood
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A 10 page research paper that examines the position of fatherhood in American society. The writer argues that in past decades fatherhood was denigrated and essentially rejected as non-essential, but statistics conclusively prove that the father's role is just as essential as the mother's to the welfare and socialization of children. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: khdad2.rtf

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This 5-page paper discusses a comprehensive plan for creating a battered men's shelter, including a needs analysis, timeline, staff requirements and evaluation methods.
Filename: MTbatmen.rtf

Formative Sexual Experiences: A Chapter by Laumann et al in Comparison with Other Contemporary Studies
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This is a 15 page paper discussing formative sexual experiences. Formative sexual experiences are those which relate to initial sexual intercourse and in most social science investigations are based on heterosexual relations. Chapter 9: Formative Sexual Experiences in “The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States” by Laumann et al in 1994, reports the trends found in a national survey done in the United States. Generally, it was found by the investigators that there has been a steady decline in age over the past forty years in regards to first intercourse and this is consistent with other studies. Other results of the study found that men’s motive for their first sexual experience is largely that of sexual curiosity while women motivations are more emotionally based. Other results found that one in twenty women reported being forced for her first sexual intercourse and a substantial proportion of men and women reported preadolescent sexual conduct with adults. In relation to other studies conducted, Laumann’s results are consistent with those reported in the United States but some factors differ from studies conducted in other areas of the world such as New Zealand, Norway, and Thailand to name a few. While all studies reported that the age of initial sexual experience is declining, the long lasting effects on relationships are not always considered to be negative as reported in a New Zealand study and females and males differ in their sexual motivations in Nordic society. The differences in the studies are often based on the differences on the social norms and structures of each society and because of this Laumann’s report can only be taken in the context of American society in the early 1990s. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TJsexex1.rtf

Foster Care Abuse
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A 7 page paper which examines the condition of foster care abuse. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAfster.rtf

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